Stay away from this company! It is a political scam – internships are unpaid and you are expected to donate your time and money. This organization does not serve the community but only the founder. It is an embarrassment and should be disbanded
Scammer’s phone +1 (516) 699-7598
Scammer’s website
Scammer’s address 42-49 Colden St, Flushing, NY
Country United States
Type of a scam Employment
Initial means of contact Text message
Offered a job where the person running this non-profit organization can’t even give you the answers to what type of job you will be doing. The address for the company on google isn’t even their office building. This organization is ran by 1 founder and 3 other people who don’t know what the hell they are doing. “Training” for the job is located in a hookah lounge on Steinway and is unpaid. Very unprofessional. Text message is the only form of contact. Promised a job solely based on looks and if you could be the founder of the organization’s girlfriend. Disgusting. Be aware.