Sesmo Tech

Erin – Aug 24, 2020

Sesmo sent us an invoice for services as well. We ignored it based on information from reports on Scam Pulse. If you look at the bottom of the invoice, it actually says it is a solicitation, not an actual invoice. Funny thing, they actually called today trying to collect. Thankfully, the phone call was routed to me, and I was able to tell them to never call again, that we were onto their scam. Just wanted to thank Scam Pulse and everyone that has posted here about this company.

Russell – Jul 09, 2020

Beware! Sesmo sent us invoice for services that were never requested or authorized. The amount was $737.00 , invoice #E3656-20.

Donald –

Victim Location 35756

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

This is a scam. Sesmo Tech submits a fraudulent invoice for services that were not rendered and then tries to collect on the invoice. They are attempting to catch someone off guard in order to get money that was not earned. It even says on the invoice in fine print that this is a solicitation. However, when they call and email you they speak to you as if you owe money on an outstanding bill. They call incessantly and will harass for months straight.

Krystle –

Victim Location 61625

Type of a scam Fake Invoice/Supplier Bill

Sesmo sent us an invoice for services that were never requested. The invoice was for #1374.00 Invoice # B1060-9

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