Sonar Media Labs

Jared – Sep 01, 2020

Total money lost $250

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

This is a fake company setup to look legit and I found out after the fact that this scam has been going on for a longer period of time. They approach you with products and offer great deals. Yes, they are usually in white vans or SUV’s and state that they have an inventory surplus or the warehouse added products for delivery that aren’t on the invoice. The ‘salesmen’ are pretty convincing and wear shirts that look legit. In my case, they both were wearing ‘BOSS’ button up shirts to make it seem ‘official’ that they were delivering audio/video equipment. They try to get you to accept their price and then have you make an offer.

The packaging and the products look very legit but are not. They have a ‘review’ online on YouTube but comments are turned off and the reviewer states it’s a great system but provides little info or proof that it works. I got scammed for $250 for a ‘great surround sound system’. The boxes are marked with high retail pricing as well. I got scammed in Burlington, Ontario, Canada so these guys are operating in Canada as well. Here’s the ‘great product’ that I bought listed on their website:

There may be people who can’t afford to lose that money. I can’t afford it but I’m lucky it won’t hurt me because I had a bit of extra money. This may hurt others so hoping to prevent others from falling for this scam.

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