St. Anthony Falls Escrow Services

Eugene –

Total money lost $169,552

Type of a scam Investment

I have worked with a Sales Broker by the name of (blank) who is based in Kansas City, MO and works for Quality Hill Equity Group (located at 908 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO) since September, 2016 on the sale of my timeshare property in Mexico. He in turn worked with (blank) in an Escrow Company by the name of St. Anthony Falls Escrow Services based in Minneapolis, MN to manage a long process of closing the sale. I have official contracts in place with both parties and was convinced by them to pay a number of closing costs that were identified that they claimed were challenges that came up by the Mexican government such as VAT taxes, Capital gains taxes, State taxes, NAFTA taxes and a long list of other charges for a total of over $US165,000. The buyer represented by the Escrow company guaranteed to refund me all sales costs but I had to pay them first or they could be charged with money laundering. The last closing costs were paid December 13 with funds owing to me to by paid by December 16 at latest. I have had no contact by phone of email with either (blank) or (blank) since December 13. In fact the Quality Hill Equity number I had I had been using (913)307-3594 is now out of service (rings busy). Obvious now to me is that I have been involved in a SCAM and wish to get this information in place so that it can be circulated to the correct authorities and prevent others from getting involved in something similar. Also, I would like to know what recourse I have to get my money back.

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