I bought gym equipment from this website. I received an email soon after with a confirmation code. The website to track it seemed like a scam as well. After months of waiting, I received n95 masks. Threw em straight into the garbage.
Ordered two a/c units..just run-around…no refund. They keep lieing. It doesn’t take two to three months for a refund. They offered to resend months ago. I agreed. Nothing. I placed this order in July. Sad..we should nail them to the wall. I hate a crook, a thief…makes me sick!
Hello, please dont buy anything from a bussiness like htis over seas They scammed my sister and me on a 12 BTU window nit, they sent face mask, IM sure they will start another web site I dASE Dont buy from a foreign country or a name that isnot known here in the USA they are scamming people out of millions of dollars,
someone needs tostop them
I ordered a weight bench a while back and never got it. It N-95 masks instead. Threw em right the garbage (they’re from China and are possibly laced with Covid). Contact your bank and get your money back (like I did). Beware of websites like these.
I had ordered 2 air conditioners never got them
Yes Sowntly is a Scam, I waited for an Air Conditioner Unit for a month or more.
I received N-95 masks
Don’t order anything from them!
They are taking Advantage of People during the Pandemic
I’m Happy I only spent 60 bucks.
I hope People see this before purchasing, and not after,
This has taught me a valuable lesson.
I hope I will help others
I Paid almost $64 for a weight bench on July 14,2020. It is August 20,2020 and I emailed and still no answer. It’s been months what do I do? I can’t believe they are stealing people’s money at a time like this.
$64 for a weight set that was never delivered and when I confronted them by email threatening legal action I was begged not to and promised up and down that I’d be given a refund that was 3days ago and now I’m not getting any responses. This is a horrible time for the whole world and for people to be taking advantage of it by robbing people of much needed funds is unacceptable.
I ordered a air conditioner and paid $70 and they sent me n95 mask instead. It is a scam
Victim Location 43410
Total money lost $122
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I ordered two window air conditioning units and it cost $122 dollars . The scammers sent me disposable masks . I sent them a copy of what I ordered and a picture of what I received . I said I want my money back. No answer after I asked for a refund .