Royal Samoyed puppies

Ashleigh – Oct 06, 2020

Sadly, I am the next Victim 🙁
I was purchasing from a man named James from “House of Aussie Shephards”. Sent money, then asked for more $ for a proper airplane crate at $5000, and would refund $4950 upon return of crate.
I tried to pick up in person, and told “Due to Covid, I couldn’t”
Many RED FLAGS along the way, should have listened to them! SAme stories as above, just different dogs.
Bummer, really wanted that dog!

Grace – Jun 24, 2020

Similar experience different type of dog the site I visited is and I too was told to transfer money through Zelle. I spoke to an overzealous east Indian man who also identified himself as from GA. I asked for courier infor mation and he identified them as who my search engine identifies as a fraudulent site. All of this happened today so in seeing your posts and others similar in other sites I have cancelled the Zelle transfer. Thanks for the reports.

Johnny – Apr 27, 2020

Hey! Everyone
I have talked to these guys and they are total scammers, I am sure they are from India their accent is very strong and their English is not very good, also their phone was false and they gave me their email and address and they are false please do not send money These people just want to steal and make money from honest people, also on Facebook there are many pages of puppies for sale near me or adorable puppies near me and different who are scammers a week ago I wanted to buy the American eskimo and unfortunately I was a victim and I sent money, We talk to them and their accent is definitely from India because they do not speak clearly and they tell you that the lines are broken, please do not fall into this trap INVESTIGATE first before buying
This is the email and name they give me but probably is fake
And not send money from zelle or Venmo or PayPal or cash app
Anyways if that helps you in something is good


Email : [email protected]

Name : Wycliffe Kiriago
44 25th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30309, USA


Ashleigh – Apr 02, 2020

I am currently looking for a Samoyed puppy to her as a support dog and came across I thought such a wonderful website with extensive thought on how they refuse even the thought of puppy mills was wonderful as a support dog is forbidden to be trained if it comes from a mill. I doubled down on my research on the website and the puppies listed. What I found made me furious but thankful I was lucky enough to find this website to report them. The photos of the dogs available are from Pinterest if you search for Samoyed Puppies. The prices for the puppies are undercharging because almost most dogs now a days, especially a Samoyed puppy, should be at least $1,000. I emailed the Breeder and they were unusually rapidly responsive to my emails. He thanked me for my interest in the dogs and asked a few questions. Although his first email seemed normal, his grammar began to decrease into an informal manner. As the conversation progressed, he responded without a hello or dear or any formal greeting and said “will you love the puppy to shipped or you will come pick up the puppy?” I did not think much of the way he spoke so I ignored it yet from previous reports on this site I noticed how he urged me to ship the puppy. Yet because of Coronavirus I wanted to personally take the safety of the puppy into my own hands and pick her up myself. I also asked where he was located and that I had family close to Nevada (the phone area code he used was from Nevada). Informally once again his email only had one sentence, “we based in Atlanta GA madam”. Another email following saying “can you please send us your number for more information and pics of your puppy thanks”. At this Point he made it too obvious. I personally live in Georgia and no person I have EVER met has said “madam”. His forced accent “we based in Atlanta GA madam”. His first email was written in perfect English and slowly deteriorated. As if he knew I was catching on. So I finally replied to him and this is what I said, furious at this ridiculous person.
“Dear Royal Samoyed Puppies,

I would like to correspond through email as this would be more convenient for myself and for future reference. I do not understand what you mean by ‘sending pictures’ of the puppy. You have the puppy as of this moment, named Bella which I explained was the puppy I was interested in on the front page of your website. Also I am confused because your area code (on your website) states that you are located in Nevada and not Atlanta, Georgia. During this situation with the Virus at large around the country, I would expect such a ‘hands on’ organisation to be more precautionary with the healthcare and wellbeing of such a young puppy that has not been exposed to different bacterias. I have provided as much information as you are available to and need in order to proceed.

Thank you

He has not replied to me but I did not make any transaction with him so I hope he got the message that this is ridiculous and not okay to do yet I will try my best to report and get this website taken down so no one else falls victim when trying to add an adorable Real family member. For more information the names of the puppies listed are Bella, Dasher, Felix, Maya, Nuna and Oscar. They do not breed Samoyeds and do not even own Samoyeds. They scam people using a fake email ([email protected]) and a phone number that Is real yet probably not associated with them. I called this number and the man that answered did Not sound southern yet it was impossible to hear his voice between so much static. I made sure to leave it on mute so he could not hear me. As for the reviews, every single review is FAKE. Every review has 5 stars and sound written by the same person. They also do not have a firewall in which protects anyone from being an imposter of a breeder and client that wish to transact money virtually. These are sick people that need to stop abusing the internet. Please research each place before you buy a puppy online! Good luck with your searches!

Daniel – Mar 30, 2020

My husband and I were searching for a samoyed puppy. We came across this web site, I made contact with the breeder and worked out payment of $770. $650 for the puppy, $120 for shipping. I Didnt recieved any cotract signing about the purchase. he took the puppy to the airport and sent me a short video of the pup in a crate for shipping at the airport. Later that day, the shipping company, sent me an email stating that they needed $1250 for a special crate for the pup. I didn’t sent more $ coz At that time, I realized it was a scam. The puppy samoyed puppy names Maya. With a video on the shipping site. This all happened today March 29, 2020. I tried getting my money back but he didnt respond anymore. The guy sounded like Indian and gave a name on his Zelle as brandon Muma with his email [email protected] It sucks to be victimize with this bad people. Now I have to figure out how to get my money back. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž

Blake – Mar 03, 2020

Victim Location 37876

Total money lost $2,100

Type of a scam Online Purchase

My wife and I were searching for a samoyed puppy. We came across this web site, I made contact with the breeder and worked out payment of $800. $650 for the puppy, $120 for shipping and $30 for paperwork). I received the sale contract for the puppy and sent it back to the breeder signed. The next day, he took the puppy to the airport and sent me a short video of the pup in a crate for shipping at the airport. Later that day, the shipping company, (, sent me an email stating that they needed $1250 for a special crate that is fan cooled. I sent them the money. The next day, they sent another email stating the crate would not work because it was to small and they wanted another $1250 for a bigger crate. At that time, I realized it was a scam. The puppy was only 5 lbs and would easily fit in the small crate. This all happened around February 14, 2020. On March 3rd, I just received a text from a 818-964-4126 asking me how the puppy was doing. I asked who the person was. They told me that the breeder gave them my information to check everything out. The scammer is now sending my info out to other people.

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