Relaxium Sleep

Edwin –

Victim Location 84078

Total money lost $119

Type of a scam Online Purchase

This site offers a free bottle of it’s product "Relaxium". Webpage home page displays "Our Exclusive FREE Bottle Special is for a Limited Time Only!". There is a big red button you are offered to click on with the label "Get Your Free Bottle Today!". The subsequent pages go into you supplying a shipping address and debit/credit card information for shipping charges.

At the bottom of the page in small print, there is verbage to the effect that unless you "opt out" within a certain period of time, additional shipments will be made and charged to you card. In my case, a shipment of 2 bottles for $119.00.

My complaint is this "opt out" part of the offer is so minimally presented as to be easily missed. I missed it. If they want an "Opt-Out" scheme, then it should be prominently displayed. Better yet, it should be an "Opt-In" deal, rather than an opt-out.

I lost the $119.00. And I mistakenly contacted by bank’s card services to report an "unauthorized" debit, whereupon the bank promptly closed out the card and I had to put up with the inconvenience of waiting a week for a new card.

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