Mystery Shopper/ Service Measures Research/ Mysteryshoppingsecrets

Latoya –

Victim Location 79382

Total money lost $2,850

Type of a scam Employment

I received a Mystery Shopper Opportunity invite on Linkedin. Whether it was a messaging invite or an employment opportunity invite I know Linkedin was brought up as the means of knowing me. Being an active successful Linkedin user I figured the opportunity had a good chance of being legitimate. Filled out info online as normal (don’t recall what it asked for – seemed normal) and didn’t hear anything for a couple weeks is what I recall. I got a message and it referenced that I had been selected as a Brand Ambassador/Mystery Shopper and that I would see email in my email. A few days passed without seeing a corresponding email for the opportunity so being busy I put it out of my mind then I got another message saying I would be receiving my assignment in the mail soon. I was sceptible at this point so when the fedex arrived with a check I figured I would check my spam as from time to time legitimate new senders can go to spam. Timeline is of messages is hazy, but was all pretty close together. So I went to spam and saw a Mystery Shopper email with an assignment and survey. I was surprised and having Mystery shopped before 20 years ago, I assumed maybe this is the new way of mystery shopping as I don’t know everything about the new ways of all business, etc. I assumed the best, googled the company on the check, didn’t see any red flags, and figured if the check was bad my bank would definitely detect it right away. Check cleared overnight and I moved forward following instructions after making a payment with all the funds to a credit card directly from my checking account. The two financial institutions decided the funds were there and the payment went through right away so I could fulfill my shopping assignment and find out what to do next once I finished the first step. While doing everything I felt uneasy about the process and the communications. I figured, like with other new things, I would try it as I had gotten over the initial unfounded worries with other financial opportunities in my life previously. I went through process ultimately of getting Amazon and Apple Itunes gift cards, being told I would find out what to do next after I had obtained all the cards and sent the instructed proof over to the company for verification that I did truly get the actual merchandise (gift cards). I was then told I would see the next step the next morning, which is actually this morning. By this time I had lost sleep, researched and looked into more info. I then found a website on some of the provided paperwork that actually took me to a legitimate place and called the # and got a person that could communicate with me. They informed me it was a scam and referred me to the rep. My check hasn’t bounced yet but am sure it will as the individuals who were perpetrating a ligitimate company are not communicating what a normal mystery shopping company would at this point and they are not providing the information I requested several times. I hope others don’t have to go through this type of situation.

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