Mountain Dew of PepsiCo Inc.

Charles –

Victim Location 32211

Type of a scam Employment

I received an email from a friend from college, and so thought nothing of it and believed it to be legitimate. Soon as I agree to things and receive more emails from this “Larry Martinez” I begin to have a feeling inside me that I’m being tricked. So I began looking up information on possible scams associated with driving with car ads and I found tons of other cases. In my case I was lead to believe that it was connected to Mountain Dew and Pepisco. I feel like an [censored] who should have seen this thing from a mile away, but I guess my need for money weighted more to me than security. However, I finally came to my senses when I got a signed confirmation letter from a Indra Nooyi, who is a real person, but what caught my attention was the fact that it said I would work until September 31st. I immediately realized I couldn’t ignore some small errors anymore, because if a CEO doesn’t know that there are only 30 days in September than I’m the fool for believing it. I haven’t given any money, so I consider myself lucky.

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