Maria Garcia

Alison –

Victim Location 60652

Type of a scam Employment

I worked for them 30 days and didn’t get paid.. Worst part about it is everything seemed legitimate to me, being untrained. I willingly gave my personal information up in hopes to have a job that I could finally do excellent at. Costumer Service Inspector, they’d send packages to me and I’d inspect then send them to services, Inc. I’d have to go out and collect items and then ship them. Some cases I would have to find boxes to pack the item in or buy boxes. Probation was to be 31 days. On the 31st day I was supposed to be paid and evaluated. Today is the 31st day and it has been 3 days since I was able to log into the site or reach anyone at the company. Please beware of this fraud, there may be more to it than even I have witnessed.

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