Victim Location 30305
Total money lost $20,000
Type of a scam Investment
Manucore have contacted a number of colleagues in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain industry, inviting them to ‘leadership level forums’, or requesting that they sponsor the events as solution providers. They claim to offer free passes to attend extremely high level events, and meet major business players such as Ford, Amazon, P&G and more. However, you must book your accomodation, travel etc. through them.
You will be taken to a pngage with no clear identification. Once payments have been made, be it weeks or months later, they ‘cancel’ the event under whatever circumstance – the terms and conditions they will then use show that no refund is due. These events are not real, the business is not real. They were previously operating under the name ‘Accucore’ but were caught out – web pages all over the internet shows they are still connected to the now defunct business.
They are a scam designed to generate as much income as possible, and then cancel everything and disappear off the face of the earth. Check their social media, website, etc. – it is not active, they are not trading. Be WARNED from any kind of cold call from this company.