So I thought it was a friend at first till she said I put it on my kids and told me go in half for the fee of a 100 a piece I told her I don’t have it until Thursday she okay I’ll wait good thing I looked up this to know it was a fake or I would have lost out of 200 instead 100 but I still lost out of my $100
My friend on Facebook posted something about getting cash for the first 50 people that commented. Then he proceeded to tell me I had to pay $100 in gift cards for me to receive $1200 in my cash app. After I sent the picture of the gift card and receipt, he said there was a fee for $100 and then would I receive the money. Shortly after, he said my payment increased because I won the jackpot of the day to $5000 however I had to pay an additional $300 fee to get that. He kept on saying that I would receive my payment and I never did because the system kept updating my payment to more money. I spent over $800 in gift cards and not once did I receive a cashapp notification of my supposedly $5000-10000 payment. I even messaged someone who commented on his post saying that they got it and she said she did… Long story short, never trust anyone not even Facebook friends when it comes to paying something with gift cards because obviously I will never get the payment here. This company is a scam and most likely hacks peoples account to pretend they are who they say there are. People are so deceiving these days and it makes me sick. This company needs to be shut down IMMEDIATELY! When it sounds to good to be true, it is.
I received a message from a friend on Facebook saying if I sent $100 to her company I would get $1500 and if I sent more I would get more. She said she represents a “dhhs company that trades electronic gift cards for bitcoin, but they need $25000 daily, so they’re basically giving away free money.” She sent me 20 photos and 4 videos of “proof” which were screenshots of other people getting their payments. She claimed to be a “good Christian who wouldn’t scam anybody” and said “trust me once and thank me later” several times. I told her I only had 20 to put in and she even offered to put up the other 80 for me if I promised to give it back to her after my payment came through. I told her it all seemed sketchy and she said she understands how I feel but “why would I flake on you when you are paying me back…I’m not going to ruin my reputation over $20”. I was really starting to believe it for a minute because I have been reciting money mantras (couldn’t hurt, right?) but deep down I knew it was a scam.
You can’t even trust your friends anymore. It’s sad.
Scammer’s phone 8623362290
Scammer’s website facebook
Scammer’s address 315 park ave
Scammer’s email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Bank/Credit Card Company Imposter Scam
Initial means of contact Social media (e.g., Facebook)
they scam me with 400 dolar they tell me they pay me 4800 it a scam they want me to send again 500 they scam people
me enganaron con 400 dolares esto es un scam tengan cuidado ladrones del diablo
A guy I went to school had posted if you had cashapp how you could get free money. If I bout 100$ bitcoin I would get back 1200 when I sent it he told me that I had missed the dead Line if I sent another 100 I could get 3000. An cause it was comin from a friend an had proof I thought it was legit. So I did it. Now I’m out 200 dollars an they took 50 more from my account. Told me I couldn’t get my money back. Without sending another 200. At this point I said I was takin legal action an now the post is gone.
Scammer’s phone 4233759285
Country United States
Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes
Initial means of contact Text message
Wanted $29.95 sent cash app to verify my winnings.
Victim Location 34997
Total money lost $250
Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes
Offered to win $1500 on cash app but required $250 in order to apply but they just take your money and don’t pay out they want your Facebook login to verify identity but nothing happens
This is a scam
Got a friend request on facebook from this lady who later made a post asking who wanted money in their cashapp. Messaged her and it sounded too good to be true and after research, found out its a scam! Do not do this!
A girl posted on Facebook to comment cash for $1,500. She then told me to message her, which I did. She told me if I gave $100 I would receive $1,500. I only had $50 and she said I could get a $600 payment if I bought a $50 ITunes card. I did. After that she told me they couldn’t do it because they were only giving out $1,500 so I needed to give $75 more and I would get my payment. I asked just to get my money back. She said they would give it back which I never got.. I needed that money for clothes because I’m starting college soon.
This guy Tony Shaw on Facebook is scamming Christians on Grace, Prosperity group saying that if you give a certain amount on cash app he’ll give you bitcoins
This is the last ugly girl that is with them they all scammers and think it is funny people has family to take care of they are low lives that can’t get a real job and has to try to take from hard working people i want people to help me get them off the streets can someone give me an attorney or someone I can call when they started asking for money knew it was a scam I so hate their guts and hope they are found i will not stop until their put away.
This is another one they all work together i want them taken down and i have one more going to send
there are a bunch of them all they do is change the wording around about who or why they are doing this
The fb account and there are more people working together scamming people out of money in hopes to make more they need to go down this major micro financial bank i have more vidoes of others that was in on it will send them also they must be stopped and locked up and they need to pay everyone that lost something i will not stop until they are found
i had this person try it on me and that Tony Shaw one and i sent them a screenshot of the scam and in 2 seconds i was blocked lol
Victim Location 39114
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
Asks individual to purchase gift cards in return to make more money
Victim Location 10473
Total money lost $330
Type of a scam Investment
On June 17, 2020; I saw that my cousin ****** ****** ******** was promoting a post that you can make money within minutes. With everything going on; I figured why not? I need the money to take care of my family, myself and I am starting school soon in a week and half; so that could come in handy. The post said to comment cash in capital letters and she will inbox you the steps. So I did the step and she told me that if I give any amount that this amount will come in just minutes. I did this through Cash App. The first cash app name given was *********** ************* the payment kept saying pending and failed repeatedly. I told ****** that I don’t want to do it anymore because it’s too much now. She sent me two more cash app names by the name of **** ********** *** ******* ********. They still weren’t working. I decided it’s not meant to be and said forget it. She then told me that to send the money to my Cash App card and then send the money to the first name she gave. I did that. Then she said its another $250.00 to get the money and I didn’t have that so I gave another $130.00. After that she needed to verify me so I sent a picture of my driver’s license and sent her my facebook email and password. They locked me out my account. In hopes of recruiting others on my page to send money. Immediately I knew I was scammed and under false promises. I requested my money back and they declined it. Other people have been scammed by my cousin. Only I found out my cousin isn’t scamming anyone; she too has been scammed along with many others. They hacked her account and used her page to scam others. She had to make a new page and was blackmailed by the scammers to send them money in exchange for getting her main page back. Her actual Facebook page name is ******** ********. She got in touch with Facebook and they told her that the page doesn’t go against community guidelines; so the page is still up and running. Everytime people report the page or call the page out on their wrongdoing they get blocked. Facebook hasn’t done anything about it and these people that are behind this is scamming innocent people at this crucial time out of money in hopes to make more. I was fortunate to get my Facebook page back within two days of verifying myself. That isn’t the case for many others. People have lost their hard earned money as have I. I’m writing in regards to myself and others who fell victim and lost money that this page be removed and taken down; so others won’t have to go through what I and others went through.
Victim Location 28390
Type of a scam CryptoCurrency
A Tatyna Renee posted on Fb stating comment cash for 1500 dollars. I searched the company on it was not there I I searched the scam tracking and sure enough it was there.
Victim Location 28390
Type of a scam CryptoCurrency
A Tatyna Renee posted on Fb stating comment cash for 1500 dollars. I searched the company on it was not there I I searched the scam tracking and sure enough it was there.