Mark –

Victim Location 90012

Total money lost $250

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

These people hire people illegally and they illegally call home owners with a cprm or crm lead device with thousands of home owners information.

They lie about government programs and steal ppl money

They lie to employees about bonuses if they lie to get a sale and they lie about hourly pay !

Taking money from workers checks .

Not paying out by law what is owed to you.

False advertising and illegal solicitation And activity.

Also sexual harassment is at a all time high.

They ask to do not promote physical location

But home owners are crying about the volume of these calls .

And workers are being mistreated illegally

I’m physical location :

1210 Burnank blvd suite B

Burbank ca

Info on check

5632 Van Nuys blvd Van Nuys ca 91401

Presented as :

On sale illegal government contracting jobs


Also paying employees what they want to and not what’s owed to them

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