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stated i placed an order for Ikea UK of $122 but I have not and McAfee says not to open invoice or other attachments. see coy:
Order acknowledgement:
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Thank you for ordering with IKEA Shop Online. Your order is now being processed. Please check your order and contact us as soon as possible if any details are incorrect. IKEA Customer Relations, Kingston Park, Fletton, Peterborough, PE2 9ET. Tel: 0203 645 0015
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We will confirm your delivery date by text,email or telephone within 72 hrs.
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Please note that this email does not mean that we have accepted your order and it does not form a binding contract. A contract will be formed between You and IKEA at the time we dispatch your order to you, with the exception of made to order sofas and worktops where order acceptance occurs at the point when we send you our Delivery Advice email.
Your order is subject to IKEAs Terms of use and Return Policy
This is an email from IKEA Ltd (Company Number 01986283) whose registered office address is at Witan Gate House 500-600 Witan Gate West, Milton Keynes MK9 1SH, United Kingdom.
IKEA VAT Number: 527 7733 20
This email is your VAT receipt, please print a copy for your records.
IKEA Ltd does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this email as it has been transmitted over a public network.
It does not say how they expect me to pay also attachments: x 3 : Part 1.1.asc
HTML Message
IKEA receipt 607656390.doc