Yolanda –

Victim Location 29566

Type of a scam Employment

In total I received two emails and one text which are pasted below. I admit that I responded with email and cell phone number since I did not find any info regarding this specific scam in my Google searches.

I did not and will not respond to the second email or text.

Here is the first email I received:

Earn up to 850 weekly, for details visit

<span title="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAO__dLpwQxUREZFUjlPS0FTV0xWVlhMOERWSlE4WU80Ny4u
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAA… />

Quality Detective.


This is the second email I received:

Attn: [Name],

Your Request to be one of our CUSTOMER SERVICE EVALUATOR (CSE) has been approved. I-SERVICE DETECTIVE welcomes you to our Customer Service Evaluation Team.

For anyone looking for part-time work that pays well, is intriguing and offers a chance to make a big impact, Customer Service Evaluator (Cse) jobs are ideal. There are many vacancies open around the country and beyond, which need third-party service grader/detective to relay information back to the company about their customer experiences. There are even customer service evaluator (cse) jobs available for flights, in restaurants, supermarkets and large businesses.

For the company involved, it brings impartial, accurate and instant results. The results can be analyzed to show whether there are staff that need extra training, should be rewarded and whether all of the company standards are being met. This level of feedback is exceptionally valuable to a business and that’s why it’s possible to make a good income from being a customer service evaluator. What’s more, the positions are free and do not require a subscription to be on the books. When customer service evaluation jobs are available, you simply confirm and go and do it. It’s that simple!

As member of our team, you are added to the database and if your profile matches what a client wants, then you’re offered the assignment. Each assignment will vary depending on the client and what they want to focus on. Having a proactive attitude is required, as you will be required to prompt reactions and service from the staff, as well as jot down mental notes about what is going on around you. In some cases, you might be required to undergo training for higher paid and more exclusive customer service evaluation assignments. As you can see, it’s an exciting job.

Important Notice: We want you to understand that all of our operations/emails obeys the UNITED STATES LAW under the Federal Business Rights & Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. §1232g, 34 CFR Part 98, 19 TAC 221.2, Federal Government Code 552.023, Federal Business Code 21.355, 29 CFR 1630.14(b)(c)).When there is an assignment, you will be funded and directed to offices to either purchase or process items, after which you will write comments.Assignments,shopping materials and your pay checks will be send via regular mail delivery or overnight mail delivery such as Us post or FedEx . Find some reviews below:

-Camp Counselor, Forest Home, Forest Falls (Former Employee) – San Clemente, CA – April 18, 2019

Had to evaluate first class services for American airlines from your state to California – new york and back to California. Excellent experience, great opportunity to be on first class in my life.

-Project Coordinator (Former Employee) – Rhode Island – October 10, 2018

Enjoyed the new experiences. It was nice coordinating my own schedule to accommodate daily activities.

Please be informed that you may receive your first task/assignment within the next 12-24 hrs further correspondence will be either through email, phone call or SMS. Once there is an assignment, we will not hesitate to contact you.

Do acknowledge the receipt of this email.


Los Angeles, CA USA.

<span title="=====================================================================================================================================
================================================================================… />
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:The information contained in this message is intended only for the recipient, and may otherwise be privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, please be aware that any dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. This footnote also confirms that this email has been scanned for all viruses by the Intel Graders Center for Information Technology Enterprise Systems service.

I also received this in a text:

Hi [Name]

Your Request to be one of our CUSTOMER SERVICE EVALUATOR (CSE) has been approved. I-SERVICE DETECTIVE welcomes you to our Customer Service Evaluation Team. Kindly confirm this message by sending MESSAGE RECEIVED to 323 968 0208 with your full name. Suprised? Check your email/bulk/junk folder for more details. Are you able visit our website yet? If not request we re-send by texting "WEBSITE" to 323 968 0208 .Thanks

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