Cinematronix Media Labs

Walter –

Victim Location 98026

Total money lost $200

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

I was just trying to get gas and drive off when a shiny grey Chevy Tahoe rolled up and asked me if I wanted a home theater system I said yeah and checked it out then they said they wanted to sell it rather then give it away. I said no I’m good. They proceeded to tell me they were doing a home renovation and it was cancelled and they had this stuff left over. The box said it was worth 3500 and they even placed it in my car and said we aren’t trying to put you out you can resell it and make money. I was very hesitant the entire time but eventually gave in and grabbed 200 out of the ATM inside the gas station. Then I drove off to work and when I got home, with a quick google search realized it was a scam that was popular in the 1980s and has been going around the state of Washington for the last 3-4 months

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