Tristar Attorney at Law

Benjamin –

Victim Location 98503

Type of a scam Debt Collections

"Tristar Collection Agency"

"Tristar Processing"


"Statewide Collection Agency"

"Statewide Processing"

Phone Number: 855-218-0497

Would not give me an address, email, or any other identifying information other than the name of the phone operator and these 2 company names…

I received a voicemail from a Kathy Johnson with Tristar, accusing me of owing a debt that I had previously flagged as identity theft years ago from GE Capital Bank from 2011. I told her that I had this account closed and removed due to it being identity theft and fraud. She then became agitated and rude with me and told me that they were going to open a judgment case against me and that I was going to be sued for $2000. She told me they had all my private information, IE: SSN, Drivers License number, home address, my wife’s contact info, she even knew the cars I drive… When I tried to explain to her that this was not the case and that this debt had been closed. She raised her voice at me when I asked to speak to her supervisor to sort this out, She yelled see you in court and hung up on me. I then called the company back multiple times to try and get information and got the same treatment from multiple people claiming to have the same name and giving two different company names, or they would just outright hang up on me. The company names they seemed to alternate from between phone calls was Tristar and Statewide. They have called my wife and me multiple times and harass us on a daily basis.

I am very concerned that this "company" has all my detailed personal information, and they are trying to scam others out of their hard earned money claiming to be a debt collector, and threatening judgments. I would hope someone can launch an investigation into this illegal activity.

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