Nyyrikki Couri

Troy – Jul 13, 2020

Victim Location 26753

Total money lost $16,000

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

A guy named Nyyrikki Couri found me on Instagram and began messaging me. After awhile, he asked to send me a package. So he sent me a box of checks. He asked me to deposit some checks for me and that he would compensate me. I went a branch and deposited the check. I waited for the check to clear and the amount was in both my available and total balance. I informed Nyyrikki when the check cleared. He instructed me to transfer the money to one of his employees via Paypal. So I transferred money to a person named Haydee Torres. After the transfer was made, Nyyrikki asked me to do it one more time with another check. Again, I went to a branch and deposited another check. Once the check cleared and the amount with in both my available and total balance, I transferred the money via Paypal but to this time someone named Cathy Watson. Once the transfer was made, Nyyrikki said that he did not need anymore checks deposited to his employees. Well after a few days, I received a call from you. I looked into my bank account and noticed that both checks were being withdrawn. I informed Nyyrikki of this and he said he called his bank. He sent me a picture of both cleared checks that his bank sent to him and said that his bank started an investigation on his behalf. Nyyrikki assured me that his bank was reauthorizing the checks and the money would return to my account within the week. I spoke to you and then told Nyyrikki of what you informed me. Nyyrikki said that he spoke to his bank and they assured him that they were going to reauthorize the checks within the week. Well a few days went past, and I informed him that the money still had not been returned to my account. He has since blocked me and will not communicate with me. And here we are.

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