Victim Location 97526
Type of a scam Rental
This property is owned by the bank according to the Century 21 realtor that is in charge of the property. However, this Matt Pettinger (who head a thick middle-eastern advent over the phone) claims to be a pediatrician who had to move to Tennessee and needs a family to rent his property and keep it from ruin. He has the victims fill out an application asking for typical things like age of occupants, current address, and pet information. However, when a family is interested, he asks that they send him the security deposit ($950) and first month’s rent ($850) via Money Gram (through Wal-Mart) and he will in return send keys and paperwork to sign. The person who was supposed to receive this payment is his "attorney" Stephanie Mitchell at 31097 Five Points Rd, Dozier, AL 36028. He contacted my father (the victim) through email, [email protected], via text, and by phone call. Even now he is in contact with us. Whenever the prospect of money comes up he becomes pushy, and whenever questions are asked about the property the call drops. Attached its what he calls his rental agreement. I have access to his Craigslist ad, email and text correspondence, and the application he had my father fill out as well.