MX Revival

Candice –

Victim Location 52627

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

MX Revival claims to be spending extra time doing a good job when in reality he just parks the equipment and doesn’t touch it. After reviewing with you 6 times in 6 weeks, on the same project, he will do a subpar job and still be 2 months later than the completion scheduled by him, if you ever get your parts back. Often times projects never make it out the door, and the ones that do get charged out as "completed" often have no regard to details, or actual completeness of the project, and are charged full professional quality prices.

I brought parts to them to have some cleaning and coloring back in Dec. 2016. We’re going on April Now, and I have been charged fully, paid fully, and have yet to receive any information on the whereabouts and completion of these parts that have not been returned to me. No calls have been made saying when and where they would be available.

The company has fallen off the map, Mr. Kruger will not answer phone calls, or reply to emails.

How do I get my parts back?

How many others have parts at MX Revival that Have not been returned?

Who do I need to ask for help?

The Mitchellville police department has stated that they deal with many complaints with MX Revival, How id he still operating business?

What steps are required to shut down a business for knowingly supporting fraudulent business practices in the state of Iowa??

The MX Revival website claims extra time equals extra care, He is just scamming your money. I have parts I paid $350 to have powdercoated, and I can easily flake the coloring off with my fingernails.

Mr. Kruger is a nice guy, and he sounds sincere, and he will say whatever it takes to make you believe him, then he’ll take your bikes, bike parts, and your money, none of which you may ever see again.

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