Max profit partners

Mallory –

Victim Location 96761

Total money lost $8,000

Type of a scam Business Email Compromise

I am retired army *7 years. Moved back home to Hawaii where I grew up. 4 months after being retired I get a phone call many times I finally answer it and she transfers me to a “Tom” he was a high stress repetitive millionaire partners he called us. I was told they were affiliated with Go Daddy and the internet and web hosting was where millions were being made daily. I would make $*** first launch on *0 sept 18. I had to send $*** ASAP to lock in my appt for *0 sept launch. I bought leads from Traffic4now which they said cost $*** which is what I send out or launch on *0 sept *0. I had to make that launch to partner with them because they were the best in the industry. I did. Then a Christian ahe is female tries to “beta test” my launch and it did not work. She said it’s fine tomorrow my IT person will call and fix it. Mark was the IT person. He made me set up a CJ account with all my banking information needed to be done so the thousands of dollars could be deposited daily wants I launched my leads. Well Mark did not call back a Marcel did and he transferred me to a “Steve” I forced him to give me his last name or I would not go forward. He said it was Porter. He sounded exactly like “Tom” a high stress loud repetitive closer sales person. He said I got lucky cause they sent me to him. Steve said I only deal with clients who make millions and send *00000 leads out. So he took me to a iBuddy site supposedly a dedicated SMTP SITE. he said I have to pay them now and instead of $*** your now going to make a lot more. So he got me on a online chat with iBuddy. So they accepted me and needed $***! now. I said I can’t and won’t. Steve we know not all can do that but you have to send $*** TODAY! to lock in the *0 sept launch. I can pay later. I got off the phone and did not send it. Marcel called me and asked me if I sent it I said no. He said send it and we can talk later about the other monies due. I told him can I pay less like for 1 year? $*** was for 3 years. he replied well just send the $*** amd we will talk. He actually sounded nice. So I sent it. Then that’s when all hell happened. Soon as they knew I wasn’t sending the rest Carey the trouble shooter, Frank the big boss multimillionaire, Christian the beta launcher, Marcel the internal guy, Mark the IT guy phone numbers no longer worked. As for Steve and Tom they never wanted to give me their numbers because they were “just to busy with very high prices clients”! I called iBuddy and guess what it had the same foreign female answer the phone as for max profit partners after hours she said. She didn’t even know ANYTHING about the companies, she was in Arizona she said??? I called the Bldg manager of the address on max Profit Partners website and he said they did not HAVE A OFFICE THERE! I said at one time I’m coming there in person so I can meet my so called partners with the balance of $*** boy they absolutydid not want me there, they stuttered, etc just nervous. They said that’s not how we do business. Well anyways I got ripped off and other than a disconnected phone number I could not reach them not even a physical address.

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