Higi LLC

Jay –

Victim Location 32258

Type of a scam Employment

Applied for an admin assistant job with Higi via Glassdoor.com. Within 24 hours received email, from Toby that has Higi-Usa.com email domain, stating my interview request was approved and to download the Wire app as means of communicating with my interviewer. Interview was lengthy and legitimate questions were asked. All good. Received an email the next day, again from Toby, saying I was hired. In the email was a job offer letter and a pdf attachment stating that the company would be sending me a laptop, printer and paper shredder. I was asked to connect, again on Wire app, with my team manager for "pre-training" and to get set up for them to send me all the equipment.

Here is where the red flags start to go up…my "team lead", whose LinkedIn page and FB page stated he is from Chicago (Higi’s corporate city) but his typed English wasn’t 100%. He did have a foreign last name so I chalked it up to that. I spend the entire day, 7 hours, performing "tasks" while he is telling me that he is working with finance department to approve my $9600 set up funds for laptop and printer plus software so I can purchase the equipment myself through their authorized computer dealer EggComputers. I think to myself, wow…they are seriously going to send me that much money and they don’t even know me. Should have listened to the warning bells then but I didn’t. Then at the end of the day he asks for my direct deposit form so they can deposit the "start up" funds and to enroll me for paycheck deposit. Which I send with a copy of my drivers license. Foolish me since at this point they haven’t sent me a W4 or had me sign any standard new hire paperwork. Red flags are now going off since this has all been done by email and chat. I’m a bit older so I think maybe this is the way remote hire and new technology works so I go along. He then asks me for my banking log in ID and requests me to change my banking password to Exchang3us3r! and that is when I realize I have been had. I searched, albeit too late, online for remote worker scams and this exact scenario was all over the place. Thankfully I have all my credit on lock down due to the last breach with Equifax and promptly called my bank to close down my checking account but what a mess and what I fool I am. Wanted to share in hopes of preventing someone else from falling prey.

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