
Theresa –

Type of a scam Debt Collections

They advertise a lash growing product and in order to see pricing you have to register on the site. After registering and viewing price and offering you decided it’s probably too expensive or you’re no longer interested ‘but whatever the reason you leave the site. Shortly thereafter you receive an email notification about your order being shipped. You then receive the product with the return address crossed out and enclosed in the package are product you never ordered and an invoice telling you to pay within 14 days to avoid late payment charge. The follow up notice warns you of collection and legal action. The next notice is to inform you that they’ve turned over the matter to their collects partner, who turned out to be *** ***, a Canadian debt collection company who might even be participating in this scam.

When I search the internet for this company every write up about them is proliferated with the word ‘SCAM’, and it’s the same story…so text book.

This terrible business practice has no place in our society. What can be done about this rogue company that keeps targeting unsuspecting consumer?

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