On Sept. 16, 2020 I ordered a Frigidaire air conditioner from this company. I paid $70.00 through Pay Pal. The following day, I received an Email saying it had already shipped by USPS. After 3 weeks of waiting, I used the tracking number provided in the email and went to the USPS site and typed in the tracking number. According to it, the item had been delivered on September 14, TWO DAYS BEFORE it was ordered. This company must have somehow managed to hack into the Postal Service website to have it say a message that was not true. This sounds like a federal offense.
Victim Location 77518
Total money lost $70
Type of a scam Other
On Sept 16, 2020 around 11:00 am I created an account on https://bcstoreus.com and purchased and pail for a 12,000 BTU Frigidaire window air conditioner. On Sept. 17, 2020 I received an email showing that the air conditioner on Sept 16, 2020 at 12:28 pm. On the tracking information it showed it was out for delivery at 7:21 am (apporximately 4 hours before I ordered it. If you go to https://www.scamdoc.com/view/345690 you will see stories just like mine.