US prestige post

James – Apr 29, 2020

Exactly the same experience, but I was owed closer to $3,000. I became suspicious when I could no longer log in to the “dashboard” to receive packages and upload photographs. I still have four packages in my possession that I never received shipping labels for. All phone numbers have been disconnected. I have filed a police report and reported to FBI. I recently received another email from the “company” (identical to the initial one) suggesting I contact them about a fantastic work from home opportunity.

Tristan – Apr 15, 2020

Victim Location 75683

Total money lost $150

Type of a scam Employment

I was searching for a job online. I received a email from This is Judie from the HR department of PRESTIGE POST. I just left you a text message but wanted to drop a line by email in case this is more convenient for you. I am reaching out because it looks like you are great fit for Quality Control Inspector position here at PRESTIGE POST. Please watch this video for more information about the job

Please give me a call back at (813) 522-6450 and ask for Judie if convenient, or feel free to reply to this email.

Kind regards,

Judie Fultz | HR Department

Direct number: (813) 522-6450


3838 Fancy Farms Rd, Block B8, Plant City, FL 33566

(888) 226-1215

I responded to the email. About an hour or so later I received a few more emails from her. She told me that one of the managers would be contacting me. I received an email from My name is Joseph Fleming. I am your manager from shipping department. I will be guiding you through the whole process, coaching you and providing my assistance. You can find my contact information below:

Direct line: (813) 522-6454

Email: [email protected]

Please store my contact details and feel free to get in touch with me for any questions and concerns. My business hours are 09:00AM-06:00PM EST Mon-Fri.


Kind regards,

Joseph Fleming | Manager Shipping Department

Direct number: (813) 522-6454 and it keeps going on. I sent the first package. Another manager called me- and emailed me. Welcome to PRESTIGE POST! I can tell that you are going to be a great addition to our team. We are all looking forward to having your energy and expertise on our projects.

There is a lot to learn as you get started in these first weeks. The volume of training and new processes we are throwing at you may feel overwhelming.

Shortly your personal manager will contact you and provide access to your admin panel. Information will be sent via email. Check your inbox and spam folder on a regular basis.

From now on make sure that you keep an eye on all incoming mails. You should receive your first package and shipping supplies within 3-7 business days from now.

You are working with one of the most top rated companies in EU so please, make sure that you pick up phone calls during the office hours and check your email regularly. By living these values every day, you will be successful in this company and in your career. They should guide everything that you do here.

I am committed to your professional growth, and want that to be part of our ongoing conversations. We also have a company goal of providing connection, appreciation, meaning, and impact as part of your daily employee experience. If you feel like any of these are not happening (or if you just want to celebrate because they are!) my door is always open.

Again, congratulations!

Regards, HR Department


3838 Fancy Farms Rd, Block B8, Plant City, FL 33566

(888) 226-1215. Then joesph the manager called and emailed me- officially welcome you to our team in the shipping department!

Now you need to create an account on the Dashboard. Go to (add this link to your bookmarks), set up your username and password, provide the information required and click "Submit". I will review your account, set it up and activate it shortly.

After you receive an email confirmation (within 2-3 hours), you can log in and check "Help" for the detailed instructions and guidelines. You need to go to the same link but this time enter user name and password which you created on registration process.

We will route packages to your address. You will start receiving them in 3-4 business days. Remember, you need to check your Dashboard for updates at least twice a day.

Keep in touch for daily instructions. Please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance and any questions or concerns.


Kind regards,

Joseph Fleming | Manager Shipping Department

Direct number:

(813) 522-6454

I then downloaded the dashboard to work from. Received a email stating that I had a new task added to my account. We received the package the next day. Took pics uploaded the contents are be uploaded I had to wait until I received the shipping label to print, once I did this we had to find a FedEx near me to drop off package. We did this for the whole month of March. I sent 7 package Total with a guarantee of $1500 base pay and $50 per package shipped and an end of month bonus of $75. Payment being direct deposit to my bank account on April 9th, 2020. I then talked and received emails from

Carlyn Shockley | Shipping Department

Direct number: (813) 522-6461

About how to receive and ship the packages as I receive them.

I then started getting emails and phone calls from Nona byars- one of the managers that I would be working with. I received an email for the accounting department sent my direct deposit form and information to them. On April 4th Nona called about one of the drop off receipts for a package. She found it, I received texts, emails and pH be calls from all named managers throughout the whole time. Nona byars-called one last time about my payment on April 4th to be direct deposited into my account- as of today we can not get ahold of anyone by phone, email or text. They owe me $1900.00 and can’t get anyone to answer phone calls.

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