US Government imposter

Krystle –

Victim Location 01583

Type of a scam Government Grant

Called and stated that I would receive a 9,000 dollar grant if I sent them $200 to process it.

Deborah –

Victim Location 29666

Type of a scam Government Grant

Told me I had been awarded a grant from US government for $14,000 needed my checking account number or debit card number and pin. I told them I don’t give out that information and I hung up

Raul –

Victim Location 29620

Type of a scam Government Grant

Call me 6 or more times a day when I try to call back it’s saying invalid number I knew it was a scam when I told them I know better that you don’t get calls from the government about grants they hang up on me. Just wanted to let you know so maybe others want believe them and let them take there money

Claire –

Victim Location 99208

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call, caller ID said from WA D.C. I was told I had been randomly selected to receive a FREE Government grant, and I didn’t have to pay it back. BUT I had to get a $200 Google cars from various stores, call them back with the number of the card, then the money would be released, etc.

Samantha –

Victim Location 21613

Type of a scam Tax Collection

Electronic voice message left on my answering machine. Said they have been trying to reach me by phone for 6 months for tax fraud

Lacey –

Victim Location 29650

Type of a scam Phishing

No response from your end, this is considered an intentional fraud. Law suit has been filed on your behalf by the US Government. Called on 6/19/2018 twice; 6/20/2018 and 6/21/2018. Did not respond to the call.

Kristine –

Victim Location 98444

Total money lost $2,500

Type of a scam Phishing

Caller calls and leave robotic sounding man saying that my family and i are under investigation for some crime we didnt do and that wev Must pay Restition immediately.or else

Carolyn –

Victim Location 83401

Type of a scam Government Grant

Supposedly government calling to give a federal grant. Asked me to go to Walgreens to fill out a registration card and submit 200 dollars so that I could receive 9200.

Micah –

Victim Location 98610

Type of a scam Government Grant

received a call and did not get to it so I called the number back and said that I was going to get a $9,000.00 grant and I needed to go to Walmart or 7-11 and give them this code number to get my money. He said it would cost me $200.00 to get them money and so then I hung up on him

Robyn –

Victim Location 75060

Type of a scam Government Grant

the person that called me on my cell phone, claimed that I had grant money from the us government and said he wanted to have me verified by his manager and he wanted my new address’ i did not give anything

Jesus –

Victim Location 99204

Total money lost $125

Type of a scam Government Grant

Government offered me a $9,000 grant. I had to send in gift cards as a processing payment. The person I was talking to was named Brian Towtowski.

Victor –

Victim Location 21804

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call you and tell you that you have been chosen by the government as part of the ARRA to receive $9000 payable to you. They go to great lenghts to explain that this does not have to be paid back. Then they ask you how you would like to receive the money as they suggest Western Union. They tell you that you have to go to a drugstore and purchase a prepaid credit card to load the money onto when you get to Western Union. Now, comes the scam part (as if the rest isn’t bad enough) you have to put $200 on the card and then give them the card number so they can pass this information on to Western Union. The US government doesn’t send money by Western Union. Sometimes they call from a DC number and sometimes its NY .

Randi –

Victim Location 83814

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call on phone # (000)000-0000. They tell you you will receive 9,500 for whatever you want but you have to give them your account numbers or credit card numbers or you must buy an ITunes card. To get the money. Will not cooperate and hang up several times when questioned why they won’t send a check like any other government agency.

Javier –

Victim Location 21216

Type of a scam Government Grant

I asked to be placed on the do not call registry and was told that didn’t apply to them. The scam presentation was my account info to pay a deposit to receive a $7000 grant.

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