Victim Location 43202
Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes
facebook messanger using friends name: United state department health and human Service Federal Govt. they are having a promotional Program to help Retired, Workers, Youth, Old and Disable with cash in the society and i saw your name too on their list when i received my money from the FEDEX Did you get anything from them?
937 288 3271 here is the agent text number text him now that you want to claim your winning money
do that now and keep me posted so I can lead you through ok
who again is the contact?
the agent just text him now that you want to claim your winning money
Did he replied you
yes .. asking me to fill out a form
can i do this by text?
Yes be honest with him he his a good man of God
i replied I have old cell, not a smartphone.
ok he sent me list to fill out & send back, ages .. so he means both me & Faith? email, dob, marital status, phone, genders, monthly income
Yes write it one after the other and send it back to him
separate texts or all in one?
Separate text
Your age first then your email second
have you fill out the forms
just sent him all the info.
Be honest with him
He sent reply Congrats with your info match one of our database & info has been fwded to couriers services for delivery. then texted can we proceed & i replied yes.
then sent disclaimer of confidentiality of telling noone. then just sent another text with conf lucky no & serial & mess to keep my .. ok this is absurd .. another text says ive won 250k ?? what is this?
wow I’m happy for you ??
i really don’t understand this
Dhhs helping the community
Ask him what next
just texted him what next?
ok this sounds really fishy .. he’s asking me to pay some fees so delivery company can get money to me within 24 hrs after making the pymts? he will be asking me for bank info .. smells like fraud bigtime
Nope he didn’t ask for my bank
I pay for delivery fees also this is ?? real and legitimate program
how did you pay fees?
Ask him how much
just asked him how much?
I paid 850 for delivery fees
how much did he ask you to pay?
what going on with the agent now ?
barb talk to me ?
this is real ok