U.S. Postal Service

Jason – Jun 30, 2020

Victim Location 46221

Type of a scam Phishing

The following email was sent to me:

Hello Diane ****,

It touched my heart today, to reveal this to you. We have been going round on inspection in Texas,Florida and Atlanta,checking all private vaults. Our primary duty is to take inventory of all concealed packages. There is a security alert that prompted this quick response for the past one week. Some of my team members are currently in Texas.

I found a consignment and noticed that your name is written on the Tag,including your email . On checking further,i discovered something different was inside (huge amount in cash). But why i am writing you,is because my personal primary investigation reveals that, the main person who shipped this consignment fund, never wanted to convey it to you but was using your name as a cover, in case he runs into any trouble while on transit.

I would like to ask you few questions ;

Do you know about this package earlier

If yes, were you aware of the actual content If still yes, why do you leave it here for this long period ?

I have decided to write you to know all these before,i can comment further .Note that i am communicating you privately and that is why am using my personal email, instead of our official email . And i have not mentioned this to anyone, so your safety, is assured.


Stephaine Houston

U S Postal Inspector

US Postal Inspection Service

Obvious scam.

Jorge – Apr 29, 2020

Victim Location 78362

Type of a scam Phishing

This caller who said his name was James Carson and he was with the USPS called my 90 year old mother and told her that they had a package in her name that they were holding because it had cash in it. At this point my mother became very suspicious so he gave her a phone number to call. She hung up and called me, I called the number (1-876-576-8622). The person answering the phone answered "hello". I asked if they had any connection to the Postal Service and they hung up. We are not sure what exactly what they wanted her to do.

Krystle –

Victim Location 70360

Total money lost $2,400

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

Received a "Priority Mail" envelope, from N&R Latain Shipping 927 Stanford Ave. Los Angeles, Ca.. Letter inside with United States Postal Service logo, asking that we participate in a USPS Paid Survey. A check for $2900.00 was also enclosed, drawn on the account of Milenia IPA, LLC P.O. Box 453 Woodbury, NY.

Instructions were to deposit check( in our bank) & contact a Thomas Alexson, via text(209-805-3177) for instructions. We were instructed to go to local post office, purchase 3-$800 blank money orders, observing & taking mental notes of time of service, attitude of postal attendant, cleanliness of facility, etc., etc., etc.

We were to send our survey, along with the 3-$800 money orders via FEDEX Priority Overnight. We were to keep the additional $500 for our efforts. The address we had to Fedex to was Attn:Abbey Abbott 1401 Satelite View, Round Rock, Tx.

A week later our bank notified us that the $2900.00 check had bounced. I argued with the bank as to why did they tell us that after 2 days from the deposit , the check was good, then a week later it wasn’t….to no avail…We were scammed for $2400..should have known better.

Steven –

Victim Location 21204

Type of a scam Other

Received two emails claiming that I requested proof of delivery. In each email, there are 2 links, one to access the proof of delivery, and the other to go to their frequently asked questions page.

I sent the emails to the real USPS Cyber Crime site. Their address is [email protected]

Sandra –

Victim Location 28601

Type of a scam Other

Postal Mail Carrier on Craigslist

Offering ‘US Postal Serive Jobs’

Wanted my credit card number right off the bat for Postal exam 4731

Benjamin –

Victim Location 84646

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

Letter states that the US Postal Service would like me to report the delivery of my mail–volunteer "reporter". If I participate, I would get point redeemable for gift certificates at different retailers. I an actual number for the post office (not on the letter) and was told that this was not them.

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