Trading Zone LLC

Zachary –

Victim Location 75270

Total money lost $380

Type of a scam Online Purchase

They are Major Scammers – They work in U.S.A by the name TRADING ZONE LLC. They are exporters and online sellers of computer parts and laptops and i-phones. While buying from India they insist on paying in INDIAN BANKS they have in INR and NOT take payments in U.S.D accounts to steal on taxes from the government.Main head is Ayal Raj with a SBI account in India for taking payments with many sub- ordinates. They generate invoice on U.S. address and take payments in INDIA (INR) saying they do this for faster transaction. They don’t take any payment in USD accounts. Shipping with there fixed shippers from U.S. TO India they purpose will ship more goods then the invoice value. Once done they BLACKMAIL you to pay more on loose goods at CUSTOMS if not done you will scam you for all the money you have paid and never receive goods. Highly doubt that actually ship.

In a similar manner I placed one order from for 255$(inr) for 5 pcs of Graphics Cards( including shipping and customs). They ship 39 pcs instead of 5 pcs and INVOICE of 5 pcs. then they force me to pay saying the goods will get stuck in customs the goods get stuck in turkey – i pay them 125$(inr) more for release of goods saying- I bought only 5 pcs including duty and customs please ensure my delivery is done. Then goods get stuck in Pakistan – Customs and they demand 385$(inr) more to receive goods. They want 765$ for a order of 255$ or loose goods.tHEY HAVE TAKEN THERE 32 PCS BACK LEAVING MINE ON HOLD. I REFUSED TO PAY THEM. I AM SURE THEY ARE BIG TIME SCAMMERS AND IT BEGINS FROM GIVING INVOICE IN USD AND TAKING PAYMENTS IN INR TO STEAL ON TAXES FROM US AUTHORITIES.. THEY ACTUALY MAY BE NEVER SHIP ANT STEAL ALL THE MONEY. I started talking to other person saying I will usd only in this shipment not knowing he too sent me AYAL RAJ’S BANK DETAIL TO TRANSFER IN INR. I HAVE ALL MESSAGES. MY CONV=CERN THEY SHOULD NOT BE OPENLY ROBBING PEOPLE AND AUTHORITIES.

Mayra –

Victim Location 75270

Total money lost $750

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was looking for a new laptop in olx and this guy texted me, he offered me a good laptop with a great price, he told me it was a super trustfull company and that i would be super sure doing business with him, he asked me to send him the money through western union, and send me a lot of credential of his company. Well long story short, total scam

Ian –

Victim Location 75001

Total money lost $900

Type of a scam Business Email Compromise

Se pretendía comprar un computador de alta Gama. Se realizó el contacto con el señor Omar. Sin embargo, se solicitó el pago de impuestos para el respectivo envío.

Google Translation: It was intended to buy a high-end computer. The contact with Mr. Omar was made. However, the payment of taxes was requested for the respective shipment.

Preston –

Victim Location 10458

Total money lost $2,184

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I’m from Dominican Republic.

I was looking for a Macbook pro 15 in this website page and i saw an option, so On May 5, i decided to contact with the seller. His name was Gary Anthony (I talked with him through Whatsapp with this number: +1 (518) 558-5856) he told me he works for this company "Trading Zone LLC" that the laptop i like cost 1200$ and the shipping cost $39 and it will be though DHL. I asked if i could make this purchase via Paypal and he said that they just accept Western Union Transfers. So i agreed.

I was so excited about this purchase that i made it the same day (On May 5, 2018). They sent me a picture of an invoice with all my information. I visited the website, their Facebook page and everything looked alright for. He sent me three data to send the money:


Address: NO 40 MUSAFFAH


State: DUBAI

Country: United Arab emirates

2. Name: Kimberly A. VanArsdall

City : Indianapolis,

State : Indiana,

Zipcode: 46218

country: USA

3. Name: Akanbi Ahmed

State: Illinois

City: Chicago

Zip code: 60146

Country : USA

The next day Gary told me i have to pay a tax of $195 which didn’t seemed wrong for me because i know that this kind of purchase comes with some taxes. So i made it. The next day, he sent me this link: and a tracking code. I was confused, it wasn’t the method of shipping we agreed also at the package content said 5 Units! 3 Macbook 15, 1 apple watch and 1 iphone 8plus. He told me his employee sent it by mistake and that the Belize’s customs hold the goods. Gary told me that i have to pay a $1500 fee so the customs can leave the goods. I was so mad at him and i told him that i just can do $750 (i used all my savings for this). He said that i have to make it, and told a sad story: That he has a family, he loved them and that if i don’t make it, he will lose his job. He also told me that he has negotiated with his boss to give me an extra Macbook and an apple watch. This saw so tentative that On May 7, 2018, i agreed and sent the money but this time to his "boss" data:

4. Name: Moses Ekpo

Address: 127 Apple house Lagos

Country: Nigeria

State: Lagos

Zip code: +23401

The next day (on May 8, 2018) Gary told me that the customs were asking for a demurrage for 4 day delay of $476 ($119 for each day). And i refused; this was a lot for me! He insisted that it will be the last amount i will pay and that my goods will arrive finally for good the next day, he told me that one of his workers felt down from a bike during a shipping and he sent me photos of his worker scars. Also he sent me pictures of him, his passport, and his family. Then he sent me another data for send the money:


Address : 127 Apple house Lagos

Country: Nigeria

State: Lagos

Zip code: +23401

I really couldn’t do more money, so i researched more for more review of this company and i was so shocked to find my same situation in many people. People from Argentina, Colombia, Russia, etc! This is a fake company! I’m so surprised that the Interpol hasn’t stopped these scammers! They are making a lot of money fooling innocent people! I’m also so shocked because the person i was talking uses the same name and phone number, also the same pictures and the nobody has stop his crimes!

Brendan –

Victim Location 99671

Total money lost $2,800

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Recently I have shared my story on this bbb web page and also on Facebook. This week, three more people have contacted me, two from Colombia and the last one from República Dominicana. They told me had been a scam victim as well and they said have proofs of more cases on Rusia

Philip –

Victim Location 10458

Total money lost $2,184

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I’m from Dominican Republic.

I was looking for a macbook pro 15 in this website page and i saw an option,so On May 5, i decided to contact with the seller. His name was Gary Anthony (I talked with him through Whatsapp with this number: +1 (518) 558-5856) he told me he works for this company "Trading Zone LLC" that the laptop i like cost 1200$ and the shipping cost $39 and it will be though DHL. I asked if i could make this purchase via Paypal and he said that they just accepts Western Union Transfers. So i agreed.

I was so excited about this purchase that i made it the same day (On May 5, 2018) . They sent me a picture of an invoice with all my information. I visited the website, their Facebook page and everything looked alright for. He sent me three data to send the money:


Address:NO 40 MUSAFFAH


State: DUBAI

Country: United arab emirates

2. Name: Kimberly A. VanArsdall

City : Indianapolis,

State : Indiana,

Zipcode: 46218

country: USA

3. Name: Akanbi Ahmed

State: Illinois

City: Chicago

Zip code: 60146

Country : USA

The next day Gary told me i have to pay a tax of $195 which didn’t seemed wrong for me because i know that this kind of purchase comes with some taxes. So i made it. The next day, he sent me this link: and a tracking code. I was confused, it wasn’t the method of shipping we agreed also at the package content said 5 Units! 3 macbook 15, 1 apple watch and 1 iphone 8plus. He told me his employee sent it by mistake and that the Belize’s customs hold the goods. Gary told me that i have to pay a $1500 fee so the customs can leave the goods. I was so mad at him and i told him that i just can do $750 (i used all my savings for this). He said that i have to make it, and told a sad story: That he has a family, he loved them and that if i don’t make it, he will lose his job. He also told me that he has negotiated with his boss to give me an extra macbook and a apple watch. This saw so tentative that On May 7, 2018, i agreed and sent the money but this time to his "boss" data:

4. Name: Moses Ekpo

Address: 127 Apple house Lagos

Country: Nigeria

State: Lagos

Zip code: +23401

The next day (on May 8, 2018) Gary told me that the customs were asking for a demurrage for 4 day delay of $476 ($119 for each day). And i refused, this was a lot for me! He insisted that it will be the last amount i will pay and that my goods will arrive finally for good the next day, he told me that one of his workers felt down from a bike during a shipping and he sent me photos of his worker scars. Also he sent me pictures of him, his passport, his family. Then he sent me another data for send the money:


Address : 127 Apple house Lagos

Country: Nigeria

State: Lagos

Zip code: +23401

I really couldn’t do more money, so i researched more for more review of this company and i was so shocked to find my same situation in many people. People from Argentina, Colombia, Russia, etc! This is a fake company! I’m so surprised that the Interpol hasn’t stop these scammers! They are making a lot of money fooling innocent people! I’m also so shocked because the person i was talking uses the same name and phone number, also the same pictures and the nobody has stop his crimes!

Chase –

Victim Location 36258

Total money lost $850

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Hello, I’m from Colombia and my story started when I was looking for computers through OLX, one of the options was linked to this website and as I liked their prices I decides to leave my information to the seller.

On April 13, Gary Anthony contacted me, he told me that he was the company’s salesperson (his cell phone number was +1 (518) 5585856) and gave me the data of the computer he wanted to buy. He also told me to see his catalog on the website to see more products and that the products were free shipping and taxes were included on the total price, also that it will be sent through HDL.

I had doubts about making the purchase by this means, but Gary sent me information about the company and the documents that according to the regulations of the United States guaranteed the legality of the company based in Dallas, Texas.

Trusted on the company and guided by the comments that people had done on their facebook, I made the purchase and then they sent to me some data to send the money by western union; these data belonged to another person (James Fiscus JR, Pennsylvania) but it did not seemed suspicious to me, since they said he was the accountant of the company. As I had already agreed with Gary, I should sent half of the total money and once I had the equipment in my hands, I had to consign the remaining half.

Once I made the transfer of the money, Gary contacted me saying that the money sent is not enough for the payment of taxes so I should to consign the total money of what was missing.

I refused because the deal had been different, anyway he said that he would send the computer anyway and that he hope that they would not stop his transit due to taxes.

The next day I received a shipping tracking code from the company Havila Direct logistics (NO HDL), with a message informing me that as I had been told the product was being stopped by taxes in El Salvador and also he was saying that to solve everything Now I shouldn´t send the half of the the money that was missing (400) but half of this value (200) and that with that money he would pay the taxes in the USA. Again I refused for fear of losing my money, however he insisted and to convince me, he sent photos of his family and his passport (of English nationality).

However I did not send anything, but deepened my research and found out that the shipping company was false and its website had been reported for it, so I met another person from Argentina who not long ago had experienced the same situation with the same scammers and their products never arrived; the only difference was that he consigned to the United Arab Emirates.

Today, April 25, they wrote to me again, requesting not 200 but 100. What serious company does this? It is clear that everything was a scam with the idea of ??asking for more and more money with the excuse of taxes and a product withheld at customs.

They are world-class scammers and by this I mean international scammers !!!

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