Toledo Tow Service

Travis –

Victim Location 91775

Total money lost $120

Type of a scam Other

My car was parked in a lot for less than 15 minutes and this tow company tried to tow my car. Verbally told me he could drop my car for 180$ at the time or 200+ at the tow yard. I ran to an arm to pull out cash because they couldn’t except a credit card. But then the few changed to 118.50$, I gave the driver 120$ No change was given back to me. He unhooked my car and gave me a receipt with no business license # or form of validity other than the company name & home office address. The drivers name was not disclosed on the receipt other than "private tow company". I looked this bios was up online to find numerous reviews that disclosed the same or similar encounters with this company. Reviews states that they have look outs posted to call the tow truck to tow cars in this scam artist fashion in many areas of the down town area.

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