The Falcon Group

Jake –

Victim Location 28372

Type of a scam Debt Collections

My husband was left several voicemails regarding past due health care bills. He was finally able to answer the phone and was told that he owed over $2,000 and was being sued but could make payments or settle for a one time payment of $300. They emailed him a very official looking agreement (which even had his social security number on it) which he esigned and sent back and then he agreed to the payment and gave them the information. He then called me and told me I needed to contact our credit card and authorize the payment. When I contacted our credit card, they refused to authorize the payment and told me that the merchant was involved in internet gambling. I asked, "So, basically this is a scam?" and was told yes. I called the number back that my husband was given to call to verify the authorization. I blocked my number and when the person answered, they did not give the name of a company, just said "Can I help you?" I said "May I ask who I’m speaking with?" She said "No, who is this? You’re the one calling from a restricted number." She was very nasty, odd for a business I thought. I then told her that I knew this was a scam and they had been reported and before I could finish my sentence, she had hung up on me. Don’t fall for it no matter how official it looks or sounds.

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