Victim Location 06076
Type of a scam Rental
I was in the process of looking for a rental property and my sister sent me a craigslist post for a beautiful place with fair rent, we assumed it was a house for rent, not an apartment due to the information of the post. in the short description, the person asked if interested to email them and attached their email and ask to email them with your number for more information about the place. I thought fair enough I wouldn’t put out my number or one of my personal emails on craigslist let alone the internet. The first thing my boyfriend notice was the square footage that they described the place did not match the pictures, a small detail we overlooked. I sent them with both our numbers attached saying id like to inquire more about the house subjecting the email by the post’s caption because the address was not in the post "$900 / 674ft2 – Charming home updated with" is what I put. I went to send the craigslist post to another person for their input to find out it was gone or taken down, my two thoughts were it was either removed by the site or the person took it down because they found a renter. The following day my boyfriend received a text "Good Morning -my name- You Replied To My CL Home Rent Post & Home Still Available For Rent. If You Need To Visit Home Go Here For Appointment Apologies, Its a Verification To Prevent Scammers. Got Very Bad Experience Before. Regards, Tamika Brooke" I understood many scammers out and about these days I didn’t notice the horrible grammar or the fact every word was capitalized cause I read it like it was proper English. Went to the cite "FREE VERIFICATION PROCESS FOR AN APPOINTMENT" in bright green letters the address had https and it was .net so I was like ok started with username email password hit next big red flag wanted my card info the number, the exp date, AND the CVV number is like OK time to ask some questions. I got "tamika’s" number from my boyfriend called it no answer the number came up as Florida registered, (in the cragslist post the house was listed in ‘Eastern CT’) so I sent "her" a text "Hi my name is -my name- I sent you an email inquiring about a house for rent, I’m contacting you from the other number you sent me to i just have a couple questions if you have the time to text thank you!" her response "did you verify?" during this I started doing research on the site find out the seals you can download for free anywhere its just a reassurance for web owners viewers that it is in fact secured but normally you have to follow standards but most of the seals used were the old seals for those companies I didn’t do really in-depth research cause that was a good enough red flag for me I then looked at the site its self the only thing you could click on was the home page, not the terms of use, privacy policy down in the bottom left, and I noted its "CopyRight" was 2018 I also noted the bad grammar and use of btw on a site more red flags. i then googled the site to find one search resulted when I clicked on it there was a post made saying the site was created a few weeks prior to their post which was made three months ago the site: I continued my research to find a very very similar web address this one seemed more credible to the eye: ***.com it did not, however, have an https just http. I didn’t look into that site at all cause it wasn’t my main focus. during this I was still texting "Tamika Brooks" and replied to her "No not yet, i wanted to inquire the address of the house to make sure it was in the area I was looking to rent. Also the site says free verification process for an appointment but I’m just wondering why the CVV number is needed, I can talk over the phone if that is quicker for you!" I got a text message back from "Tamika Brooks" (happens with my phone sometimes) "Apologies, This is only a verification process to visit home, nothing else. Btw its free & No money get charged you for appointment. If you’re interested to visit home in real pls just fill this form out & i’ll call you. thank you very much" I never had to ever give this info out over the info just to schedule a showing and never was I not able to call them first or even at least get the address or the town the place was located you look on any rental or house site they always post the address. I already had suspicions from the beginning it was a scam was just seeing how it played out. and I replied back "I’d rather not give out my complete card information, if the appointment is free I shouldn’t have to give out my card number, exp date, and cvv. I’m sorry I dont feel comfortable doing that i’ve never had to do that for any other place, I can assure you I’m not a scammer, I dont even know what town this home is located. I can set up an appointment with you to see the house in person, I can talk over phone. Please give me a call or text if you busy I’d love to talk more, also I never caught your name" (I was to busy doing research on everything I didn’t realize she attached her name in her first text I sent a follow up text to "her" saying "oops nope you did send your name my apologies tamika" funny enough never responded shocker, I’m glad I’m quick on my feet and caught it in the begging and did thorough research after the exchange I looked for sites on how to report scammers and found this one to pass my story onto others. always remember do your research be diligent use your head.