TAG – Tax Advisory Group

Tabitha –

Type of a scam Government Grant

This ad was on kijiji. I am currently off on medical waiting for knee surgery. I contacted the ad who was posted by "Tina" who was a parent who had received "thousands of dollars" from disability tax credits. When I responded to the ad, it was not Tina, "she only works here part time" but I was encouraged to phone the number and/or go to the website, taxadvisorygroup.ca to check them out.

I didn’t have a good feeling and didn’t bother to phone at that time. I had emailed Tina back and never heard from them again.

Recently saw another ad for the same thing/group. I responded saying last time I emailed, the person who was suppose to contact me (Tina) never responded back to my last email. I also directly asked them if this was a scam.

I received an email(copy below) who apologized, denied being a scam and directed me to their website. He also claims to be a lawyer in Ontario. I thought I would try calling as I am on disability right now. Everytime I call the toll free number, it either goes to voice mail or is answered by a man who simply says "Hello" and does not identify the firm. I simply said I must have the wrong number and hung up. This has happened several times. As my number comes up private, I am wondering how long before they receive telephone records that will identify the time and day I called and they try calling me back.

I tried researching their business on line and when googled they have had complaints against them in the states for false advertising, intimidation techniques (email/letters/phone calls), for tax collections from IRS, etc. I cannot find enough information about them to confirm they are a legitimate business and/or lawyer here in Canada.

My doctor told me NOT to contact them as he can fill out the forms, he has had other patients who have been taken in by these type of companies.

Here is the copy of the email that was sent to me and the information I used to try and research them.

Barnet Goldberg <[email protected]>

To *** Jan 16 at 10:42 AM


Sorry nobody ever got back to you. But no we are not a scam. We have been in business for about 6 years and have helped hundreds of people get the money that the law says they are entitled to.

If you want more info you can go to our pngage (taxadvisorygroup.ca) or call us at 1-877-538-8244. The bottom line is we are strictly success driven. Meaning we do not charge any up front or other fees. If you get money from the government re disability then we expect to be paid 30% of the money received for past years but not into the future. IF there is no money or recovery there is no charge whatsoever. The money gets paid directly by the government to you and when you get paid we expect you to pay our fee of 30%.

Be well and if you want more info, please feel free to call at any time. The principal of our firm is a 25 year tax lawyer. That is me and my name is Barnet. You can reach pretty much everyday and sometimes even on a Sunday. I look forward to hearing from you.

From: j [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: January-15-16 9:33 PM

To: *** Subject: Reply to your "Disability Tax Credit for Kids – Upto $55,000 Waiting for You" Ad on Kijiji

Hello! The following is a reply to your "Disability Tax Credit for Kids – Upto $55,000 Waiting for You" Ad on Kijiji:

From: j

I responded once before to this ad,asking a few questions about the process but received no reply. Is this a true ad or a scam?

This is a copy of the ad on kijiji.

Ad is titled: Disability Tax Credit for Kids – Upto $55,000 Waiting for You

Date Listed 16-Jan-16

Address T4N 4E7

View map

If your child has autism, ADD, or other forms of learning or physical disability, you worry. You do everything to ensure their needs are met … but wonder where the money is going to come from. When you need help contact the taxadvisorygroup.ca at their web site or by phone at 1-877-538-8244. We can’t cure the disability but we can get you up to $55,000 now and thousands more dollars each year in to the future.

With up to $55,000 dollars in cash available now and thousands more in to the future, we’ll get you the money you deserve and our guarantee is simple: We will get you your money or you don’t pay!

Know as well that your child will now also be eligible for a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and the $90,000 the Government will give your child to help them support themselves when you are no longer available to help.

There is a lengthy list of different disabilities that may be eligible for a refund as well such as IBS, pain and joint diseases, even problems walking and its available to all people from children to seniors and everyone in between. You may be surprised to learn that you or someone you love has a qualifying medical condition. It’s so worth checking out!

At “taxadvisorygroup.ca” we will take you through the entire government qualification process from start to finish, with no detail left undone, and then we will only charge you a fee if we are successful in getting you money. It is as simple as that.

If you would like more information you can simply contact the Tax Advisory Group directly on our toll free number at 1-877-538-8244 or you go to our website at “taxadvisorygroup.ca”

This another ad that is currently on kijiji as well.

Ad title: Disability Tax Credit for Kids – Upto $55,000 Waiting for You

Hello, my name is Tina and I wanted to tell you something amazing that you may not have known and that is if your child has autism, ADD or other forms of learning or physical disability there are tens of thousands of dollars you can get right now from the Government and way more in the future.

I don’t know about the rest of you but my life has been financially difficult. I am not in a financial position to say no to money and these days, I don’t think many people are. So I contacted the “taxadvisorygroup.ca” and I am so happy that I did.

About 3 months ago I signed up and opened a file with the “taxadvisorygroup.com” for both my children who were born ADD and ADHD. I personally received more than $75,000.00 in this past year from the government, completely tax free and there’s more to come!!!

My kids are now also eligible for a Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and the $90,000 the Government will give my kids to help them fund their lives when I am no longer available to help.

There is a lengthy list of different problems that may be eligible for a refund. The program even covers things like IBS, pain and joint problems. Even problems walking and its available to all people of any age from children to seniors and everyone in between. It’s so worth checking out!

We will take you through the entire government qualification process from start to finish, with no detail left undone, and then they will only charge you a fee if they are successful in getting you money. If there is no money for whatever reason there is no charge.

If you would like more information you can simply contact the Tax Advisory Group directly on their toll free number at 1-877-538-8244 or go to their website at “taxadvisorygroup.ca”.


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