Swift Digital Network

Jillian –

Victim Location 79105

Type of a scam Employment

I posted my resume online and and was contacted by Swift Digital Network. They had read my resume and asked if I was interested in a position. A quick online interview was done an I was offered a training opportunity. I would be paid $15.00 per hour during my online training. They said the training would be online and they would soon be opening an office in my city and if I completed the training I would be offered a position. Then they told me to go to Walmart and send $450.00 and contact them immediately with the tracking number. The next day I was to receive a check they did not say for how much. I was to deposit the check and then purchase supplies that would be needed when the local office opened at a later date. They would tell me where and how to purchase the supplies. I called the ScamPulse.com to see if they had information on this company and nothing was found. These scammers just want to take my money, there is no job.

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