Victim Location 32725
Total money lost $1,985
Type of a scam Identity Theft
I applied to be a mystery shopper several weeks ago. I was mailed a letter with instructions. The company also included a cashiers check for $1,950.00. I was instructed to deposit the money in my bank account and then purchase ebay cards in the amount of $1,700.00. The difference would be given to me as income for participating as a mystery shopper. I was also informed to fill out a survey form which was provided by the company on each of the stores I could choose to shop (CVS, Walgreens, Publix, etc.). I was alerted by my bank about 3 days later saying that they tried to request the funds from Y-12 Federal Credit Union but they were denied and the check bounced. I now have a negative balance of $1,985.00 which includes the $35.00 fee due to insuffecient funds. I contacted the company via email and requested they reimburse me my money. They told me to scratch the back of the three ebay cards and send them a photo of the front and back and they would reimburse me the funds I lost. After I did that they have stopped comunication with me. I checked the ebay cards to see if they had any balance left on them and all three cards have zero balances.
I am requesting you please investigate this scam. I would like to be reimbursed for the total amount of funds I lost ($1,985.00)
Thank you