Steven Anthony Patton- CATFISH

Paula –

Victim Location 90048

Total money lost $40,000

Type of a scam Romance

I met him through, and we exchanged mails for a couple of times. Then, he wanted to talk to me in regular basis on LINE. We talked almost every day. Soon after he said he fell in love with me, and started sending me many pictures about him, his family, his houses, his cars, and his customers. We started this kind of relationship in February, and he said he would plan to do big business in Dubai soon. Then, he moved to Dubai in the end of March. Soon after he got to Dubai he started having a financial problem. First, his phone was broken, but he said he could not get money in Dubai because of the banking system there. But, I did not help him at that time. I told him that I could not do that. He said he asked his daughter to send him the new phone. In April he again had some problem to get his material for the construction. Again I tried to avoid this situation. But, he called me through LINE and asked me to send some money. So, I told him I was sick so I could not.

I could not be sick for a long time, and I did not want to leave him either, because I haven’t been paid attention for a long time. So it was really good feeling that someone tells me "I love you", "You are very special, you are amazing woman" and so on. In May he said he had to get his materials for his construction site, otherwise he would lose his contract. He sent me the contract with the DAMAT Properties in Dubai and also Insurance Agreement to prove his story was true. I could not maintain my position not to be involved in money thing. I sent him couple thousands dollars. Then, he kept having many accidents, problems and I kept sending money to him. Sometimes his worker had an accident in his work site, so he is going to be arrested because of Dubai’s law, but if he can pay 4000 USD to the government he can avoid it. He said that he would come to Japan to visit me, so he needs to get 5000 USD to show the money when he leaves Dubai. Well, anyway, he had so many problems and he needed me to send money to him. When I could not make any more money I realized I should stop doing this, and I need to get away from him as soon as possible. I lost about 40,000 USD in total. I am 61 years old now. It hurts me so much. I cannot get any money back. I know that, but thinking about wasting time and money I really feel devastated and regret what I have done, and I want to fight back to him. But, there are multiple people who are doing this scam. 4 different people receive the fund in Dubai, and 2 fake lawyers sent me the loan agreement and letters about the bank. He showed me his bank account in two banks, and also check and his bank card. But, he did not show me his passport. He used the photos of Alexander Kraft. Once I asked him about it. I asked him who he really was, and why he used Alexander Draft’s photo? He said he had so bad memories in his past, so he changed his name and that instagram is handled by someone in his company to keep his image good. I was so stupid to believe him. When I talked to him on the phone his story sounded very true. Yes, he is con man, so of course it sounds true. I hope no any other woman will be victimized by them.

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