
Nicholas –

Type of a scam Employment

Received this email:

"We are glad, that you are ready to start the career in our company. We are expanding our business in the Canada and opening new offices in July.

As far as you know, currently we are seeking for the candidates for the Billing Assistant position.

Thus, we are offering you a unique opportunity to become one of the first employees of SPACE Management Consulting Ltd in any of our new offices located in the Canada.

For accepting this proposal, start filling out the Employement Agreement and fulfill only 4 requirements:

1. Print, sign and date attached offer sheet; then scan the signed version and send it back via email 2. Scan (or take a photo) and send any identification document of yours 3. Scan (or take a photo of) the Utility bills for the last 2 month 4. Take a photo of yourself holding your ID.

Photos should be of a good quality, your face and ID should be clearly visible.

These documents are required for proving your identity. This will help us to make sure the provided information is real as you will be dealing with money during the probationary period.

Information, provided by the candidate is protected by the federal Privacy Law.

Best regards,

Manager Angela Harris

SPACE Management Consulting Ltd

[email protected]".

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