Victim Location 70433
Total money lost $249
Type of a scam Tech Support
In March my Grandmother purchased what she thought was Anti-Viral Software from a company known as Tech Philosophers LLC. for $249. Unfortunately she thought she was paying by check over the phone but read out her routing and account number for her bank account.
In June they contacted her again claiming she did not pay them yet. They had changed their name to SOFTUTIONS LLC. She then was told they would charge $250 to her credit card. This charged never appeared.
Last night (11/29/16) her computer started acting up. A man named "Michael" claiming to be from SOFTUTIONS LLC. somehow knew to call her right as this started happening and instead of asking how to help solve her computer problems, said they no longer serviced Windows computers and they needed to refund her $200 (why not her full $249)?
Their only option to do this was through a Bank of America "Refund Account". They asked for permission to take over her computer to attempt to "fix the problem" and to transfer the money. They showed her an online bank account page which seemed to be hers with a deposit of $2,200. Suddenly the man on the phone claimed he had made a mistake and accidentally deposited $2,000 too much in her account.
He demanded that right away she go to Walmart and transfer $2,000. He even helped her look up via an online map which Walmart was closest to her. He requested the money gram be made out to a man named: Terrance Franklin Galloway or Kevin Randall Simmons, saying these were his bosses and he would not be available due to a meeting. If she did not transfer the money right away he would lose his job.
We contacted her bank right away and it turns out there was never a deposit of $2,200. There was however an attempt/request to move all of her Savings Account to her Checking, which she did not approve. A hold is currently on her account to prevent them from accessing anything else. I believe they changed her online banking password as well because we can log into that either.
After she had hung up with this man he still was logged into her computer with full control. We saw the mouse moving with some sort of diagnostic program being run.
She continued to receive 19 phone calls on her house and cell phones from his number as well.
The entire time he was on the phone with her he was consulting someone sitting near him on what to say and how to answer questions.
The documents he sent are provided below. I think this was his money order request.