Sigma Desk

Douglas –

Victim Location 37807

Total money lost $80

Type of a scam Employment

About 6 months ago I worked for a "Vanessa Rouse" who used a similar email address and similar hiring process. I was printing out checks and sending to the various addresses. I never got paid for the "job" after working for a month. I lost $80 buying supplies. I just received this email. Please put a stop to this before more people get ripped off.

Email Received Below….

"Dear Applicant,

The bureau desk of WoolWorths Company has reviewed your resume Posted online and we believe you have the required qualifications to proceed. This is a full/part time job with flexible hours. We offer training irrespective of your specialization, great competitive pay structures, benefits, excellent working environment and rapid advancement opportunities which we promote within. The starting hourly wage is $25.00 /hr for this position, you are also expected to come online through Google hangouts during working hours.

Following our newest online screening introduced by, I want you to set up a gmail account/set up a hangout on ( if you got one already use it, and add up Ms Lucinda Gemmell and have her added/IM her on this ID

([[mailto: [email protected]| [email protected]]]) ASAP for the interview/briefing and comprehensive company/job details for the job position you are yet to occupy. This is our first step to proceed further. I will be expecting to hear back from you. I wish you the best of Luck on the Interview. If you have any problem, Please feel free to email back. ([[mailto: [email protected]| [email protected]]]) Please note that Instant Messaging is a cost and time effective method for in-depth interviewing and requires an understanding of the users’ communication etiquette.

Best Regards

Lucinda Gemmell"

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