Santa Ana Unified(?) Gregory Ellis

Marvin –

Victim Location 98901

Type of a scam Phishing

Here is the following text as i received it: and I believe they possibly have other motives(Scam). I have problems believing their is a stranger i do not know wanting to give me Millions of Dollars for free!!! The Person who contacted me i do not know,nor do i recognize the contact email address they want me to respond to. Nor do i know anyone that lives in that area,they contacted me from. The whole base of the text is suspicious to me.

Here it is as i received it today on my Trac-phone: From:1410100001 1 of 8 FRM:Ellis,Gregory SUBJ:offer MSG: Accept this donation offer of $1,240,000,(numbers 240,000 its from my heart to you. For more details kindly(Con’t)2 of 8 [email protected]

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