Sarah –

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I build websites and have come across two sites that are the same with the same puppies on them. http://www.ryanchihuahua.com/contact.html http://www.hopeschihuahua.com/available-puppies.html

The real site with the real puppies for sale is from Korea <span title="http://www.chihwahwa.com/product/detail.html?product_no=384&cate_no=27&display_group=1
http://www.chihwahwa.com/product/detail.html?product_no=384&cate_no=27&d… />
I own a chihuahua and was in the market a few months ago. I have wrote in before with a number of puppy scam sites for your verification because when I was looking for a puppy I came across multiple sites that used the same words for different breeds and stole pictures from other sites. I am currently building a site for the breeder that I bought my puppy from and was doing some research today on sites. I believe that hopes chihuahua and Ryan’s chihuahua are fakes. Chihuahuas don’t go on sale and they are not $500 or less in price.

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