Roy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Sharon –

Victim Location 32210

Total money lost $550

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I was looking to purchase a corgi to replace one I had lost a few months back. I spoke with Eugene Muehr and he explained that I need to send him $550.00 wired by money order. Once he received the funds the puppy would be taken to the airport and booked on a flight to Jacksonville. He then was contacted by Virgin Pet Trsportatiin saying everything wasn’t complete that he had to pay $1250.00 with 97% refundable or the pet could not leave on the plane. I was told I could track the pet until her arrival. Then I got a text from the seller that said Jackie was ready and then in the same text he said Dan would be there soon. Dan was another pup pictured in the website. I know the two are working together and they are or have scammed me.

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