Roots Revive

Alyssa –

Victim Location 97035

Total money lost $119.99

Type of a scam Online Purchase

*** *** apparently offers and advertises a line of ***  oral supplements (tinctures), balms, creams and oil derived from legal Hemp. It’s trial offer triggers an auto-ship billing cycle that its customers may not have intended to sign up for. This Arizona based company operates under a number of different names, including but not limited to *** ***, *** ***, *** ** ***, and ***, none of which are registered with the state of Arizona via eCorp, the Arizona Corporation Commission. Customers in Oregon and Ohio, who hadn’t yet received samples, were also charged for the auto-ship program and contacted my clinic in Boulder, CO after receiving their credit card statement which lists "*** ** *** ***" as the payee. Looking up this company name results in my clinic being found. *** ***  does not list or affiliate with the name *** ** *** anywhere on the internet (that I’ve found), making it extremely difficult to track down if a customer is working backwards from a credit card statement, confused about the $119.99 monthly "auto-ship" charge, and trying to contact the company. The company claims an "A" rating by the on its website, when its rating is a "C" (with at least 1 unresolved complaint), and it lists two different contact addresses on its website (from their terms of service and privacy policy): 10632 N Scottsdale RD #416, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 and 8776 E Shea Blvd, Ste. 608, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.

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