Robert Cook

Meghan –

Victim Location 38104

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I have a site that sells prints of my paintings. I haven’t had any prints sold since 2009 when the economy went kaput. Recently I had an email from a Robert Cook ([email protected]) He started out asking if I would accept a check. I said that would be fine but after a few more emails and major deterioration in phrasing, spelling, and grammar I smelled a rat. I emailed one last note and told him that I had a setup with Paypal to avoid scams and my "lawyer" had advised me to end our communication. Hopefully, that will end this episode. I did give him my address and phone number, but no account numbers or any numbers that might screw with my ID. I guess I was too eager after no sales in years. My site is at [email protected] I am writing to you about this as a form of public record in case it comes back to bite me although I don’t know how it could. Also you may already have his email address on your records and you might be able to cross reference it.

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