Jacob –

Victim Location 77080

Type of a scam Phishing

My wife received a voicemail on 7/16/2018 stating approximately:

"Hi Natalie, this is Tamika. Ma’am i’m contacting you again today from the pre-legal department at RMS. I spoke with you last week, on the 9th, regarding Robert Tesoro. Unfortunately, we still have not heard anything from him. With that been said, I need you to advise Robert, if he do not contact me by the end of business today, I will have no choice but to make my final recommendation on this matter."

We have an audio recording of the message, if needed.

We have no idea what she is talking about or how she came to know the name Robert Tesoro (my father-in-law). Neither my wife nor I have ever spoken to this woman (though we did speak to a woman named Tamika from our auto insurance company regarding an active claim on the 9th, as referenced). There are no other situations or "matters" where we are waiting for anyone to render judgement or "make final recommendations."

After a few Google searches, we believe this was phishing/vishing scam attempting to use fear and implied threat to get us to call back and provide personal information, though we have not done so.

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