Victim Location 45458
Total money lost $5,000
Type of a scam Home Improvement
In early February, i find Douglas Ryan Richardson through Facebook, initially i hired him to finish detached garage for 3000 dollars, the job including a subpanel, 14 outlet rough in, drywall, ceiling. He finished the job by the end of March, we had some small issue regarding materials cost during this first contract, but i let him have his way. Then, I decided to hire him for install fence, enclose and finish a backyard patio, and install new siding for the detached garage for total of 7500 dollar including materials and labors. Douglas Richardson requested 4735 dollar initial deposit to cover the materials for the fence and patio. I paid he the money in Mid March, then things started to fall apart. Since mid April, Douglas would no longer come to work, we keep contact multiple time during a week, he would never show and always make up non sense excuse and all kind of false stories. Until this day, he did 4 hours of work on the patio and never showed up with any materials, he actually told me that he used the security deposit to pay for his bill.