Redlife Healthcare

Roy –

Victim Location 10462

Type of a scam Employment

I put my resume on indeed, career builder, and monster. I was contacted from someone from Redlife Healthcare telling me they came across my resume on career builder and with my background and qualifications that I would be a perfect fit for their company. The email proceeded to tell me that if I was interested to click on a link to confirm my interest, and then I was to click on another link to add them on google hangouts.

I set the interview up and began the process. They told me I needed a laptop, a blue ray drive and all kinds of accounting software. They then told me I didn’t have to worry about the cost because they had vendors that they have been dealing with for sometime. They also explained how sometimes the company will pay off your debt as a courtesy of the company. This morning a check arrived at my address via fedex for $4,857 dollars and this made me skeptical. I began googling what would happen if I cashed this check and one link told me to call the institution where the check was coming from, and I did. The man at the bank told me not to cash the check because it was fake.

Ronnie –

Victim Location 76010

Type of a scam Employment

They contacted me to say I was hired for a work from home job. They would send me a check to cover the purchase of a computer and the soft ware I would need to do the job. They tried to get my banking information under the guise of direct deposit for checks. Then they tried to get credit card and banking information under the guise of ‘paying off’ my credit cards. They asked how much I owed but also wanted to know the limit on my card. We communicated via Yahoo messenger. When that didnt work, they said they would send me a check to ‘make purchases’ for them for ‘the orphanage’. We’d never discussed an orphanage until then. They did send me a check with instructions to ‘deposit it immediately’ but obviously it was not a good check, and I did not deposit it. I still have it. The check was mailed from California.

This is the conversation via Messenger



Jan 18, 8:11 AM

You just need your laptop for this position, every other softwares i will provide you with the link to get them is that clear ?



Jan 18, 8:11 AM

I understand. I just do not have the lap top yet.



Jan 18, 8:12 AM

Okay hold on thats not a problem



Jan 18, 8:12 AM

Youre sending me a check to buy it, along with all the other software and equipment I need




Jan 18, 8:13 AM

We will pay off the credit card now, use the funds to purchase the laptop, we do not have much time anymore, mind you any fund we pay off on your credit card will not be deducted from your salary, neither will you be asked to refund for any reason i promise is that clear ?



Jan 18, 8:14 AM

What’s the rush?



Jan 18, 8:14 AM

Do i look like i am rushing ?

You asked a question and i am responding



Jan 18, 8:14 AM

You said we do not have much time



Jan 18, 8:15 AM

Yes because we have to start work



Jan 18, 8:16 AM


I’m supposed to get a check today, so I can buy the computer and the office equipment and software I need, right?



Jan 18, 8:16 AM


You are not getting any check today



Jan 18, 8:18 AM

But you said I would be getting a check so I could buy my lap top and soft ware.

You said that earlier in this coversation

You said that on the 16th, at 9:00 a.m.



Jan 18, 8:21 AM

Hold a minute



Jan 18, 8:34 AM

Yes but there is a change of plan



Jan 18, 8:34 AM




Jan 18, 8:34 AM

So let me know if you are ready to proceed



Jan 18, 8:35 AM




Jan 18, 8:37 AM

Good, can we proceed and pay off the credit card now ?



Jan 18, 8:38 AM

I thought we already resolved that. I dont want to take any money from you until I know for sure I can do the job.

I could return a lap top if the job does not work out. But if I cant do the work then I’ll owe you nearly $3000



Jan 18, 8:40 AM

Like i said if you eventually do that

you wont owe $3000

The reason why we pay off your credit cards is because you will be making purchase for the orphanage on behalf of the company

If you cannot do that, then we wont pay off those cards

You can print this conversion as proof if you wish



Jan 18, 8:40 AM

Orphanage? What orphanage?



Jan 18, 8:40 AM

Red Cross etc



Jan 18, 8:41 AM

That’s not an orphanage.



Jan 18, 8:41 AM

They have an oprhanage, please do not argue with me



Jan 18, 8:42 AM

Im being hired as a data entry clear for RedLife




Jan 18, 8:42 AM

Accounting payroll clerk



Jan 18, 8:42 AM

And youre supposed to be sending me a check so I can buy a lap top and office equipment and soft ware to do that job



Jan 18, 8:48 AM

Are you ready to proceed or not Iva ?




Jan 18, 8:49 AM

Proceed on what?

You want to pay off my credit card so I can use my credit card to buy the laptop I need? That’s silly. Just send me funds for the laptop and soft ware. When I’m trained and working for you then we can talk about paying off my credit card



Jan 18, 8:51 AM

Alright we are going to send you a check for the working materials today, okay?



Jan 18, 8:52 AM

OK. Then I can learn the soft ware and then I can start working for you

And then when Im comfortable doing the job, we can talk about paying off my credit card



Jan 18, 8:52 AM




Jan 18, 8:53 AM

When I get the check, then I can get the lap top and the soft ware.

When I have the lap top, then we can proceed from there



Jan 18, 9:12 AM

Alright, you would be receiving a mailed check tomorrow..which I will provide you with the tracking number for the startup check to use for the purchase of your working materials, okay?



Jan 18, 9:31 AM


Once I get the computer then I can begin training

Once I know I can do the job, we can talk about paying off my credit card

Does it matter where I buy the computer?



Jan 18, 12:47 PM


Try to be home tomorrow to get your package, okay?



Jan 18, 12:47 PM

I should be home



Jan 18, 12:48 PM


I will provide you with the tracking tomorrow morning

Is that clear?



Jan 18, 1:01 PM




Jan 19, 8:16 AM

Hello Good Morning




Jan 19, 8:56 AM




Jan 19, 9:38 AM

Look, we both know there is no check, no job, and I sure as hell arent letting you have any information about my checking account or credit card. I played along to find out what your game was. Now I know. Youre just one more parasite, stealing from people who are willing to actually work for a living



Jan 19, 9:39 AM

I have the tracking number to your check

Track it via USPS 9470101699320035179589



Jan 20, 8:38 AM




Jan 22, 8:30 AM

Hello Good morning



Jan 22, 11:45 AM



January 22, 2018 at 11:33 am

Delivered, In/At Mailbox




Jan 23, 12:09 PM

You do realize that IF I deposited that check, and I won’t, I would wait until it cleared the bank before I drew any money out of the account, dont you?

And IF it was a good check, and we both know it is not, I would use the money to buy a computer and soft ware, per our agreement in THIS conversation



Jan 23, 12:33 PM


Are you there?




Jan 23, 1:30 PM

Dude pay attention to what I just wrote you. I am NOT going to deposit a check then take money out before the check clears and deposit it another account.

IF the check is any good, and we both know IT IS NOT, then I’d use the money to buy a computer and soft ware as we agreed earlier in this conversation

I know what you are trying to do and it is not going to work



Jan 23, 1:31 PM

No we dont tell you to take money out without clear, how that one possible?



Jan 23, 1:31 PM

You are a thief. We both know this. And you are not a very good one



Jan 23, 1:33 PM

How do you mean?

Am not here to hot you

You are with the right person and right company

i dont ask you any money



Jan 24, 11:58 AM

You expect me to deposit the check, which we both know isnt any good, then take out cash and deposit in another account. Then I will find out the check is worthless, and you will have my money.

You also tried to get my credit card information and my bank account information.

As I said you are a thief, and not a very good one



Jan 24, 11:58 AM

Why are you talking like this

New messages



Jan 24, 12:00 PM

look this is legit

if you dont want the job you can decline

that is not a problem

but i can assure you your are with the right company and person

You have noting to worry about

Marie –

Victim Location 76010

Type of a scam Employment

I was contacted via text, had a ‘job interview’ via Yahoo Messenger and was hired to do clerical billing, from home. They said they’d send me a check to buy a computer, and the software I needed for the job, odd but not impossible. I contacted the web page and was assured I had been hired. Then they said they also wanted to pay off all my credit card debt and they just needed ‘some information’ about my bank, and my credit card. Employers do not pay off credit card debt. They said they were sending a check, would be here in two days, of course in two days they said I misunderstood, etc. The entire conversation is on Yahoo Messenger. I did play along for a while to see exactly what they were up to, and the communication became more disjointed and confused. A lot of the conversation was obviously a script since he used the same comments more than one time, verbatim. There are 3 different web pages for the same company. One has a list of all the staff, including the person I contacted. The person with whom I was having the discussion was not listed as an employee, but the employee I contacted did say the job offer was valid and Id be talking to a J Johnson. I reported this to the government, have a case number, but the web pages are still up. I have no idea how many different scams they may be playing on people right now. They have email addresses but there is no reference to a phone number.

Erika –

Victim Location 89031

Type of a scam Employment

Contacts via cell phone text to say they received an application and want to pay $30.00+ an hour to work from home, then conducts an interview via hangouts but refuses to provide any contact information.

Person who contacted me was Victor casewell.

Kristy –

Victim Location 27514

Type of a scam Employment

I was contacted by email then by text message. This person said they had my resume and basically offered me a job through google hangouts. Here is a transcript of our conversation.

RedLife Healthcare

Active 20m ago

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])


Okay I’m here

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Hello ?

How are you doing today ?

I’m great, I’m just trying to unpack we just moved to Chapel Hill

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])


How are you

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

I’m doing okay, thanks for asking.

Are you ready for the job briefing and interview session ?

Sure, To be honest I don’t really anything about the position or the company.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Alright, that is why i’ll be conducting a job briefing and interview session for you.

I believe we can proceed ?

yes we can

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Before we proceed I would love to know more about you. That would help me to categorize you and how best to interview you. I am Mr Vince Micheal and i’m 46 years old, I am the assistant Hiring Manager to REDLIFE HEALTHCARE ( am here to brief and interview you more about the opening position, Please introduce yourself and indicate your Full Name, age, sex and Location.

My name is Will Lucus. I am 36 years old male and live in Chapel Hill, NC. I am currently a stay at home Father of 3 to 6 kids depending on the week. I served in the Active duty Army as a Infantryman and a Recruiter. I currently serve in the Army Reserves.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

About Redlife Healthcare:

Redlife Healthcare Solutions partners with clients and listens to their needs in order to deliver unique solutions for integrated care management that enable payors, providers and patients to come together to transform the business and process of care.

Redlife Healthcare Solutions helps organizations bolster their care management processes, control chronic health conditions, guide level-of-care decisions, determine risk, forecast future needs, and manage their claims payment cycle.

The company’s solutions are developed under the scrutiny of hundreds of consultative physicians and nurses. They are renowned for clinical integrity and are built on the highest level of technological expertise and operational excellence?

We devote significant resources to environmental sustainability, focusing our efforts where they will have the greatest impact. You have five minutes to view the website (

Let me know once done, Okay ?

I understand now. What position would I fill?

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITY: Tracks data and source documents.Prepares and sorts source documents, and identifies and interprets data to be entered.Compiles, sorts and verifies data for accuracy.Contacts responsible parties or clients from other organisation to resolve moderately complex questions, inconsistencies, or missing data. Also perform Records keeping, keyboarding/data entry and performing a variety of other office tasks account balancing, invoicing recording,proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accounting database all these will be done through the use of the accounting Software, such as faxing or emailing confidently and positive attitude online from home.

Can you handle these duties effectively if trained towards it?

Yes I can. I can do this

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Benefits: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans.Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts

Working hours are flexible, all activities and corresponding time are to be recorded in excel spreadsheet. As for your duties, i will assist you with any difficulties by email.

Okay ?

sounds good. Is it salary or hourly? whats the rate?

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Soon we will be setting up a few branch near your location. That is why we are looking for 16 new hires to work from home. Once the new branches have been built at your location, you can either choose to work in the office or continue working from home. You will be working online from your home. Note….. the working hours are very flexible and you can choose to work from anywhere of your choice, the Wages are $35.95 per hour during full working hours and the training wages is $25.75 and you will be getting your payment weekly or bi-weekly via direct deposit and the maximum amount you can work a week is 40 hours. Let me know if you are interested so we can proceed ?

Yes sounds great

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

The supervisor, who would be attached to you online, he/she would assign logs of duty daily and you would be required to work according to instructions, using the Microsoft office tools and the accounting software. Now the function of the accounting software is to arrange, formalize and manage the data you have processed, sent to your supervisor via e-mail.

You will undergo a one week training from your training supervisor, he/she will be training you on how to work with the programs accurate and other data entry works you will need to get it done. Your training will be done online through your PC and phone.


I understand.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

I am going to ask you some questions now, Once you are done with your answers simply write (DONE) so i can go on with my next question. Are you ready ?


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

What type of jobs have you had ?

My last Job was an Army Recruiter. Which I worked for three years. Before that I was an Infantryman for 11 years where I deployed 3 times to Iraq. Since my time in the Army, I went to the local police academy and graduated but decided it wasn’t for me. I was also the Senior assistant manager at Chuck E Cheese for a couple of months. My disability kicked in and I was able to go back to school for IT so I left Chuck E Cheese.


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Are you currently employed ?

No I’m not. I’m a full time online student

The VA pays me to go to school on top of my disabilities check

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Are you willing to work flexible or long hours ?

Yes I am

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size?

Why?(How long do you intend working for this company ?

I’m looking for something that will allow me to be flexible with hours. I would like to work from home if possible. I am a fast learner and can handle a lot of the computer programs in a matter of a week or so. To be honest, If the pay is as good as you say it is, I may never leave.


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

How would you like to be Paid ? Weekly Or Bi-Weekly/Direct deposit

I can do either one what ever is easier for the person inputting the data.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

What Bank Do you Operate with to see if it tallies with the company’s official salary payment account ?


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Are you seeking a Full time or Part time Position ?

full time would be great but I’ll take whatever I can get

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Due to your level of experience and exceptional communication skills the company has decided to give you a chance for you to work for the company and will like to see your diligence, Charisma, Commitment to this job. During your training and orientation your supervisors will reach you via e-mail or phone for your position offer-documents and your working papers. Also they will put you through our company’s guidelines under US human Resources Laws and Regulations okay ??

Sounds great.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

In the mean time i need you to provide me with the following requested info for verification purpose

Name :

Address : (PO Box Not Valid)

APT # :

City :

State :


Cell # :

E-mail address:

so that my secretary can put you on register, Once done let me know.

Will Lucus

615 Edisto Court Chapel Hill, NC 2714

cell 808.286.7742

[email protected]

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Below are the list of materials needed for this position since you’d be working from home: 4 in one (fax, scanner,copier and printer), Zebra ZM400 Bar-code printer and cards, 4 drawer cabinet and office desk,HP Pavilion HDX18-1180US 18.4-Inch Laptop (2.0GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q9000 Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB Hard Drive, Blu-ray Drive, Vista Premium) Peachtree Complete Accounting Software, CYMA IV for Windows Accounting Software, MYOB Business Essentials Accounting Software, QuickBooks Pro Accounting Software and a Time Tracker.

Are you familiar with any of these ?

Not so much with the software but I can be. So do I have to purchase all this or will this be provided?

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

To enable you sit for this job and position those are the working equipment and software’s which are required for this job and position. This is because you will be working from home as all expenses are handled by the company, so therefore the company will be sending you a check, this check will be for the purchase of all the working equipment that you need as you will be purchasing them from the company local vendor, method of purchase and means of payment will be made known to you when the check get to you, as you will be getting the check asap


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Alright, All we need from you is good work, trust and follow all instruction been giving to you and you will enjoy every moment working with us.

Okay sounds great. Thank you for this opportunity

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

I believe that will be all for today, as you are needed to report online here Tomorrow Morning by 8:00 am for more updates. Okay ?

Okay will do

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Once again!! Congratulations on your new job Position. Seek no job position elsewhere ………. We are looking forward to your great commitment, Dedication and Trust. :)Bye and have a blessed day! God bless!!!


Fri, 10:49 AM

i’m here

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

How are you doing ?

I’m good

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Are you ready for today’s update and task ?


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

The startup paycheck for the purchase of your working materials has been discussed and approved by the company admin board and issuing accounting dept. to have the check for the purchase of your working materials which would be dropped off at the nearest post office today and the check would get to you either on Monday or Tuesday and I would provide you with the tracking number to your package when I have it on my desk Okay?

TO be honest this whole process seems like a scam.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

Do you want to decline this job position


RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

You have nothing to worry about you are with the right company and person okay?

I haven’t talk to anyone in person. I have seen no contract. The company has no phone number just emails. You wanna send me a check without a proper back ground check.

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

We have all this process done and i explained them to you during the Job Briefing

so you did a back ground check?

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])

You would be meeting your supervisor face to face also contract document would be shipped along with your working materials

A background check is not need for an online work since you would receive paper works

RedLife missed a call from you

24 mins

RedLife Healthcare ([email protected])


I just tried to video call you.

I’ll pass on the job unless you can show me some real evidence of this company.

I’ll be reporting this fake company toBBB

7 mins

This person basically said I was hired without a background check or formal interview. I never talked to anyone over the phone or in person. This person wanted to send me a check right a way to buy equipment for the job. I feel like this was to good to be true and so I’m letting you guys know.

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