Realize Healthcare Inc

John –

Victim Location 35749

Type of a scam Employment

I have been looking for a new work at home job for months. I suddenly received a text message from an unknown number, claiming to be a Michael Williams from Realize Health. He said my resume had been revied and that I had made it to the NEXT STEP for the Data Entry Position. Then it asked me to invite "Mrs Danielle Figueroa" on Gmail Hangouts and gave me a Job ID. I thought initially this MUST be a scam. I’ve never sent in my resume to this company and I can’t find much information other than their website and LinkedIn information, but I still decided to entertain the idea to get all the information. I went to Google Hangouts and invited [email protected]

The ENTIRE conversation was sketchy. She asked questions multiple times that I had already given the answer to. She initially stated that she would love to know more about me to help her categorize me so she knew best how to interview me, which seemed odd. The one incident that really showed scam quality, was when I asked where they were located. The answer was avoided and answered with what seemed like a "copy and paste, line for line, chat interview". Most of the answers from her would come in bulky paragraphs. But I persisted and asked again, and then she was silent for 8 minutes. I had to IM her again just to get that answer.

After being immediately offered a position and hired, I asked about this particular link I found that talks about Google Hangout interviews being scams. I was then blocked.

Alan –

Victim Location 01886

Type of a scam Employment

Looking for a job on and came across this work-from-home data entry job for the company Realize Healthcare inc. It seemed okay and I applied on Indeed. I got contacted via text message the next day provided with information that I will proceed with an interview via the "google hangout" application. I proceeded to due so and got an email to talk to a person about the interview. The email provided was [email protected] and was the one who interviewed me on the google hangout instant messaging application, none of the interview was on the phone talking. They said I was a good applicant and hired me for the job. They proceeded to ask about a way of payment I prefer and I responded with check due to me being a little suspicious of the whole thing. No personal information was given, but they told me that I would be given a training supervisor today (December 26, 2019). I asked for a phone number to contact a supervisor about my hiring and the question was diverted by the person saying my training supervisor would provide that for me. When I got in contact with the training supervisor, whose email was [email protected], I asked the same question about having a phone number to contact them and talk in person and they said that we would have to schedule a call. I answered saying I would be happy to schedule and that I have time for a call and that is when I never got a response from either of the people. I visited the companies website a few times digging into it in order to find some more information and found out that their social media links didn’t work and there was only an email for contact information. All this didn’t add up as well as them saying they would give me a check that would allow me to get a new apple laptop, an iPhone x and data entry software from one of their company vendors.

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