Polarbay Analytics

Ruth –

Victim Location 35619

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Employment

I know survey jobs are legit I know people that do them i was trying to make some more money for my family and I was scammed. I am now negative in the bank my husbands check is gone no money bills bounced my bank said I am responcible

Travis –

Victim Location 01701

Type of a scam Employment

Red River Credit Union sent me a check in the mail for $1800 from the company Polar Bay Analytics, asking me to deposit the check into my bank account and to carefully follow the survey packet instructions. It then stated that after I deposit the money into my account I must purchase over an $1000 gift card from the Apple store and then to scratch off the code and send them an image of the gift card with the receipt and code showing.

Kristina –

Victim Location 68102

Type of a scam Employment

Received an email through my employer, then a priority envelop with a letter and a check for $1800. Letter indicates check must be depositing an active bank account, then purchase Apple gift card for $1500.

Polarbay Analytics Inc

Phone: 510-3131277

Bank on check:

RedRiver Federal Credit Union

P.O.Box 638

Altus, OK 73522-0638

Morgan –

Victim Location 68131

Type of a scam Employment

I got an email from my colleges career center that said employment opportunity so I signed up and thought nothing of it since it was from my school, until I got the packet. Enclosed was a check for 1500 dollars and instructions on what I was to do. I was to go into an apple store and spend 1200 on a gift card.

Paul –

Victim Location 54015

Type of a scam Employment

Received a check for $400 to deposit into my bank account. Must text them at 323-840-1332 after I deposit the check. Then I am supposed to take out $100 in a cashier’s check made payable to Walmart. I get to keep $300. It is not true. The company has no website.

A person named "Dave Ewers" will text you about the status of your mystery shopping assignment.

Tanya –

Victim Location 18966

Type of a scam Employment

My son received an email from the community college employment office where he was enrolled. The email described a "legitimate" mystery shopping opportunity. I sent my name and address thinking it might be good for me. The email I received was signed by a different person than was listed on the website. Of course I deleted the email because after I considered what the email said I assumed it was a scam.

Then a few weeks later I received a certified check for $2,500 from Hughes Federal Credit Union. I was asked to go to an APPLE store to purchase 2 gift cards for $1,100 each. I was to keep the remaining $300 as a fee. I was asked to text a picture of the receipt and the scratched/peeled off store gift cards. That is a huge red flag. If I give them the scratched/peeled off gift card codes they can use them and the check bounces and I am out $2200! Also I noticed the name on the top of the email was different than the name of the Survey Co-Ordinator on the letter head. And the Priority Mailed envelop had a different office name and address than the letter head of the letter in side.

Here are all the names used:

Polarbay Analytics Inc

Actionable Intelligence Delivery

Impact Analysis

Dave Ewers, MBA – Survey Co-ordinator


IMpact ANalysis

21 Overman Pl

New Rochelle NY, 10801-1413

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