Patrick Adams esq. Adams Associates Attorneys at law

Craig –

Victim Location 59808

Type of a scam Nigerian/Foreign Money Exchange

I was contacted by who I believe we’re African man who said he was an attorney for a distant relation who had passed. My relation lived in London but was from washington. He had a car accident and left money in a bank that no-one was getting because he left no will and he had no wife or children. Then the London bank contacted me and told me yes I was approved to inherit but it would cost me 3840.00 because of court costs and bank transfer costs. I asked the person if I could have my attorney look at it first and he wanted me to keep all contact confidant and if I didn’t want to he would just find someone else. That is fraud. I do have relation with this person last name and ancestry from England so I could be relatedbut I wanted to make sure. This just dosent smell right at all! Please help me stop there people before they take advantage of other handicapped people.

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